Chapter Fourty-One

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"You did what?"

"I found her. I found the little bitch and I made her suffer" for some reason I grew angry. He was just casually drawing.

"Brother your an actual idiot" he shrugged.

"I didn't know she was going to be there either. You never told me Cato had a little girlfriend" I bit my inner cheek. "Oh I see"

"Go back to the wheelchair or something" I went to walk away but he drew a wall to block me. I turned around with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

"You have a crush. How cute"

"Shut up or I'll put you back in that chair! Don't fucking test me!" I snapped back. He just shrugged and hummed to himself. He wasn't scared. I know how to make him scared. "I will fucking kill Megan. Is that what you want? You want to see your little sister dead?"

"You wouldn't touch her. You haven't yet"

"Dare me do you? I couldn't give a rat ass about her. I've already molded her into what I want. She knows that. Yet she's too gullible to see that shes just a pawn in all this. We might be bonded by blood but that's the greatest thing about adoption, they can be disposable" his hands on his pen and tablet loosen, they almost fell out of his hands. The wall disappeared and I grinned. "Don't test me. Just stop trying"

He then mumbled something under his breathe. I looked back throwing a knife at his feet. He jumped a bit looking at me wide eyed. "I didn't hear you"

"I don't get who died and made you boss"

"Well you did first. If you have a problem with me having that position you know who to ask" his eyes narrowed.

"Maybe I will"

"But she likes my leverage I have on you. She knows you don't like the gang life anymore" with that I left. Grinning in satisfaction.



"There's a problem with Marinette. She's not moving. She normally shifts in her sleep but she hasn't moved in an hour"

"Cato I'm sure she's fine. Check her breathing and you need to take a deep breathe"

"N-No she's not breathing! It's shallow and she's choking! Marinette. Marinette wake up!" I could hear the panic in his voice. He seemed to drop the phone. Quickly I had gotten up and bolted out of my office. I just ran down the hall and too the hospital wing. I then bolted almost running into some people and barging into the room. There was already a nurse inside, trying to get Marinette to wake up.

The heart monitor was going crazy, beeping erratically. "She's going into shock. I can't pull her out of it!" The Nurse was as scared as Cato. Cato took a step back, his hands pulling at his hair. No. Please be okay. Please be okay. I grabbed onto her hand and suddenly the heart monitor stopped. Not flat lining but going back to normal. She woke up, her eyes darting across the room again. Her hands immediately covered her face, she got scared.

Cato engulfed her into a hug. This time I took a step back, my hand releasing from hers. "What the hell was that?"

"She must've gone into a nightmare and her body thought it was real. She was going into a flight state sending her body into shock" the nurse explained. "It's just a scare but I would keep a close eye on her. Sir if you don't mind me talking to you outside" she asked for me. I checked over Marinette to make sure she was alright. Then I saw her lean into Cato's touch. She's fine. She's safe. I sighed then exited the room with the nurse.

"What's wrong? What can't you say in front of her?" She cleared her throat, adjusting her shirt then shutting the door behind us.

"It's not her I'm worried about. It's the man inside. They are together yes? And sir we all know about what happened...those years ago" I stayed quiet. Just thinking about it. Troubled me. "You still effect her. She may not remember but for some reason you are still her world. She feels safe with you. She knew you weren't there with her and she got scared. I've only seen it in children when they are sent to hospitals after a traumatic experience with a parent, they feel they lost someone and go under into shock when they don't know where that person is"

"So what does that mean? Will she be like this forever or just for the time being?" The nurse sighed again.

"Only time will tell. But for now I would watch over her. Agreed?" I went to say something against the idea but she just glared at me. I have a troubled sigh as well. "You need to be there for her. What she's gone though is something not many can handle. She's strong"

"I know that"

"Now you just gotta believe it. Get her to trust you again then she should be back to normal in no time" the nurse then went back into the room, shutting the door behind her. I only caught a glimpse of her before the door shut. She was looking right at me. Then when the door shut I lost sight of her.

I need to go and take a pill. I'm starting to get another headache from all this stress.


Short Ik butttttttttt it's out early. I was going to wait another day to make you all suffer but I decided to be nice's another chapter 🤪💕

Can't wait for the next few chapters ☺️☺️

Maddy G

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