Chapter Eleven

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When I woke up, he was gone. Figured so. Why would he wait for me to wake up? I glanced around at the room around me. It reeked of him. My nose wrinkled. What was with men and their extensive amounts of cologne? I swung my legs over the bed, getting up to look around. I started with the bedside drawers, looking though them. Nothing. Mostly odds and ends like watches or a pair of socks. Nothing of use to me. I went to his desk, looking around there. A bulletin board was posted, pictures and documents all connected to a string. It had many pictures of Volpina and other known miraculous.

I looked through the desk drawers, more pictures. Probably some of his missions, targets. I kept digging through it to finally find a picture frame. I took it out staring at the woman. She had black hair. Yet her features has similar qualities to him. Her facial features had almost exactly matched to his. Dimples on both their faces. Both wider chins. Yet she still couldn't be his mother. I've seen pictures of Mr.Agrestes pass wife, she had blonde hair, emerald eyes.

I set the picture frame down, continuing to dig. I got to a big yellow folder. I slid it out from all the stuff onto of it, turning it around. Marinette. Big bold red letters. I opened it to reveal; pictures, medical records, birth certificate? Fact sheets, phone numbers, more pictures of other people, location, everything about me. I immediately shut it. He's been keeping track of my past. Why? Did I know he was doing this? If so why would I let him? I heard footsteps, coming towards the door. Quickly I had put it back, closing the drawer. I went back under the covers, the way he put me down before. The door opened right after. I had shut my eyes, making my breathe pattern change. I heard him sigh, setting something down on the nightstand.

I felt his finger tips brush back at my long hair that had covered my face. He was staring at me. I wanted to wake up and tell him to scram, by I'm supposed to be unconscious. I felt something cool go on my forehead. A rag probably. It felt soothing. It was enough to allow me to 'wake up'. First I began to blink my eyes open them stretch, faking a yawn.

" do you feel?" Que the Amnesia. My eyes had fully opened.

"What happened?" I made my voice low, almost s if I had a frog in my throat.

"You fainted...Cato did something last night that made you hysterical and all the stress had gotten to you, it was like you haven't slept in days" that's the only thing that's truth in this whole situation. The nightmares ever since he got here, have been getting worse.

"Well I should g-go. I don't want him getting mad" I went to go stand up a bit, wobbling. He got up rom the bed quickly, holding onto my forearms.

"Whoah. No. I'll go tell him. You need to stay here. Rest. Relax, alright? Trust me" I nodded slowly, sitting back down. He tucked me back under the covers. He began to turn away but I grabbed onto his arm again. Play defensive, weave you way into his heart.

"Why are you helping me?" He only smiled. Chuckling.

"Let's just say, a life for a life. Once upon a time you saved me" he then winked, getting out of my grip, then walking out again.

I almost feel bad. He's actually trusting me again.

It wasn't until late afternoon he came back. It gave me enough time to look through his room. I figured out that lady with the darker hair was his aunt, her name was Tikki. Odd name but never mind that. His records were extensive when it came to me, it was also odd. I didn't bother to read it though. I was a broken girl. That's what Cato told me. He told me I didn't even want to bother learning about my past self, I was broken.

We heard shouting from the outside. Immediately the cat had gotten up, opening his door to look out. Speaking of the devil, it was Cato. Barking orders at a construction worker in Roman. I only caught onto a few words, he was saying something about how they are idiots. The cat said something back from his door, his accent sounding as if he was born here. Cato shot something back making...him...roll his eyes.

"I will be right back" he had said to me. He shut the door behind him, going out to argue with Cato. Men and their Egos I swear. I got back out of bed, making my way to the door. I was rather curious. The more information the better.

"Știi că nu am nevoie de părerea ta"

"E prea rău pentru tine, pisicuța asta, încă este institutul meu"

"Ei bine, sincer..." The cat then went close to Catos ear, in a whisper. I couldn't hear. Nor did I went to be seen. Do I stayed behind the door, only keeping it the tiniest bit open. Cato froze, in fear almost. Fear. It made me want to feel fear myself. Cato always had that wall around his feeling just as I do mine. It's rare I see his true emotions. He pushed the cat away, making him stumble back a bit.

"You wouldn't dare"

"I would now remember our conversation earlier? Stick to it" I ran back into the bed, getting back under the covers. What the hell is he threatening?


"You know I do not need your opinion"

"It's too bad for you, this kitty, it's still my institute"

"Well, honestly..."

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