Chapteer Thirty-One

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The same fucking dream. The man was there again. Staring at me, grinning. He twirled the knife in his hands humming. He hummed the same song. Every time. Twinkle twinkle little star. Odd tune but he would him it. He was saying something to me but I couldn't focus. Couldn't hear what he was saying. My throat seemed to be shot from all my screaming, I couldn't hear my own voice. I don't think I was talking or making any sort of sound. Just laid there, taking the beating.

Something always changed in the dreams, in this one he was with someone. Both of them were talking, I couldn't understand. I was too tired to barely look up. But I could hear their quiet mumbles. The person handed him something, that much I could tell. His hands came into my view, a new knife, this one being twisted. No not again. Not this again. Then I heard my screams as the knife finally made contact. My dream should be ending. Why isn't it ending? It should be ending! He continued, being careful to trace the already made wounds so he could open them again. He just wanted to cause pain, to see me tortured at his will.

The dream shifted. I was staring up at a cars roof? I was in a car. Someone was holding me, adding pressure to my stomach area. The car was going fast, I know that. I was confused, what was happening? I stared up at the person holding me.

"Chat.." I sucked in a breathe, moving my arm up. He grabbed it rubbing his thumb across my knuckles.

"Your gonna be fine. Your gonna be fine" he had a scared expression on his face.  He kept repeating those words to me. Until I felt my eyes droop, then I was kicked out of the dream to wake up.

I was breathing heavily, my back going straight up. I felt myself grab the knife again, frantically looking around the room. I must've fallen asleep after this morning with Cato. I took a deep breathe calming down setting the knife back on the nightstand. Carefully I stood up, I'm clothed which is good. Bad news I'm drenched, was I sweating that much?  I groaned beginning to move to the closet. The door then began to rattle. Someone was coming in. My eyes widen and on instinct I dove across the bed grabbing the knife and chucking it at the door. The man caught the knife moving his head to the side a bit.

"Whoah I'm not here to kill you" he raised his hands in surrender.

"I-I'm sorry. Thought you were someone else" the cat gave a look of concern, he was gonna question me but I cut him off. "What are you doing here?" 

"We have to talk. Are you...uh available?" His eyes traced across my body, I narrowed my eyes at him clearing my throat so he would look up. He did blinking a few times.

"Is it that important?" I snapped back. He nodded bitting his inner cheek. "Fine just let me change" he walked in still looking at me in worry. I grabbed some of my clothes walking into the bathroom and changing. When I walked out he was sitting on the bed with his back turned towards me. He heard me and his head snapped my way. Sorrow. Why? I walked over, sitting down next to him but at a distance. I went to ask what he wanted but he cut me off.

"Your getting married?" I hit my grin, just thinking about Cato in a tux.

"Yea..." he seemed torn. His face then tightened.

"You can't. I can't let you do that" I blinked a few times.

"Why not?" He stood up, his emotion bleeding through.

"Marinette I can't let you get taken from me. Your supposed to be mine. Mine only. Not his" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'm not anyone's property Chat. I care for  him. I'm sorry I don't feel anything for you, I'm going with the man I care for"

"That's exactly it Marinette. He's not suppose to be in your life like that. He's not. I won't have this" I stood up at this point, he was getting heated.

"The moment I had a reset in my life I made decisions for myself. I'm sorry I'm not your little obedient lap dog anymore" I spat.

"He's told you lies. Lies about us, about who you are. I can't stand back anymore and watch you make mistakes you will regret later. If you would just remember you would know I'm speaking truth"

I shook my head at him. "I don't care about my past anymore now get out. Your old news to me now."

"That's not how it should be. Bullshit you don't care for me. That's complete bullshit!" He repeated himself. Clearly he was growing even more frustrated.

"Get out of my room cat"

"Marinette I will not stop. Your fucking out of your mind if you think I'll just let you do this"

"Hey this is my fucking life! I'm not you. Sorry I don't care about who I was now get the fuck out" I stood my ground. He scoffed.

"Your in there somewhere." He got closer to me causing me to back up. His voice went to a whisper as he came close to my ear. "My bugaboo is in there somewhere. When I find her it'll be before that wedding. Be sure of that" he then stepped away, slamming the door on the way out.

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