Chapter Twenty-Six

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As soon as the cat walked out of the room the baby in my hands began to cry. My eyes widen. "Cat! Chaton!"He came back rushing in the room the baby being cradled as it was sucking down on its bottle.

"Whoah your just holding him wrong. Here like me" he switched the baby to just one arm, coming over to help me. "Here just bring him closer to your chest. Like this." He helped me adjust the the kid in my arms, telling me to rest him on my hip, one hand under and the other on his back so he doesn't fall. The child calmed down, only sniffling and whimpering now. "Here now hold him like I am. Take this" he passed me his bottle. "Just put it in his mouth and gently tip it"

"Why do you know so much about babies?"

"Old friends sister..." his eyes grew sad. I looked at him confused but he sighed fixing hhis expression. "Your doing good. There you go" Nilo was almost done. He was so cute. So innocent. "That's new"

"What?" He grinned at me.

"Your smiling" my smile turned to a frown. The baby was done and was beginning to whine again. "Time for bed for these guys" I nodded allowing him to walk so I could follow. He led me to his room, he set down his baby and I followed putting Nilo beside his brother. Both of them stared at me, cooing. "I think they want you to read them a story"

"I don't think that's a good idea"

"Im sure you know how to read. Cmon only for a few minutes then I will allow you to be free" I rolled my eyes, snatching the book from off the bed. I sat down in the middle of the twins opening the book.

"Once upon a time there was a great knight of darkness . This knight of darkness came from the dark kingdom. Now in the dark kingdom there was no light. The light was forbidden. The dark knight felt lonely in all of his shadows so he left, venturing. He found the light kingdom. Now in the light kingdom no darkness was aloud. He saw a girl. A girl right outside of the castle walls crying." Their eyes were starting to drift asleep. "The girl was lonely as well, she had no friends, no family, all because she was different. She was different because in the light kingdom they didn't believe in imagination. This girl had the most imaginative mind"

"When the dark knight went down to a speak to her she pushed him away. She didn't like his ways, or his peoples ways for that matter. Deep down inside the dark knight knew he was different. Knew he would be able to change for the one he loved. And he loved her. It was love at first sight. She may not have known it or didn't want to acknowledge it but she was in love with him as well. He would fight for his princess. Fight for her" the twins had now drifted off to sleep. I felt my eye a drifting shut as well. When my voice stopped and the book closed one of them began to whimper, holding up another book in their hand.

"Okay just one more..."


"Marinette you've been-" I stopped when I saw them all sleeping. With Nico laying on her stomach and Nilo was wrapped up in her other arm. She was quietly snoring, her hair pain across the pillow behind her. I didn't want to wake them. Quiet as a cat I sneaked the books from off the bed, shutting the lamp off from next to them. I snuck out of the room, shutting the door ever so quietly.

I felt myself yawning. Man those kids are tiring. I went to the living room area, beginning to pick up the toys and whatever other mess that's been made. The door then opened making my head snap up. Alya and Nino.

"Where is she?" My eyes flared.

"Alya calm down. I got a little help from her. Come on" A very tired Nino followed his wife down the corridor. I led them to the room putting a finger on my mouth. I opened the door quietly, walking over to turn the lamp light on again. I heard Alya sigh in content.

"It's been years..." she took one of her babies, gently lifting him. Nino took the other one, being very careful. "Thank you Adrien" I nodded. They left the room leaving her curled up on my bed.

"Okay cmon..." I tried to shake her awake but she only waved me off, mumbling to herself. I lifted her bridal style off the bed, leading her to her own bed.


"If you wake up. I'll promise to make your life better. I promise to get rid of the cat" I could feel him. Feel Cato by my bedside of my hospital bed. I couldn't move, I could barely breathe, I was on a life line. "You are my best friend. You became my best friend in those little months we had. I'm sorry for being such a hard ass on you. You would've never gone out if I hadn't been so hard" I can hear the heart monitor. Still beeping ever so slowly. I tried to move, try to tell him I was fine.

His hand had released from mine, he gently laid my hand down on the bed. Something wet and warm hit my hand. His tears. I still couldn't move to comfort him, I was hurting too much. "Fucking bastard" he slammed his fist on the bed in frustration.

When I woke up he wasn't next to me as he normally would be. I felt myself clutch his pillow into my arms as I sat up, scared beyond belief. For some reason my eyes drifted to the nightstand. The ring. His damned ring. Hesitantly I picked it up observing it. Agreste. I gulped laying back down in bed.

Why can't I escape him for once?

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