Chapter Thirty-Five

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Cleaning blood was never my favorite part. Especially when I was drunk. I couldn't see straight. This time I knew I was drunk. Mostly I don't know but this time, I know. I have to go to bed. Going to bed sounded really nice right now. Really nice. So with half my costume on I tumbled to the bed. I closed my eyes drifting to sleep.

I was out for thirty minutes until my phone rang. I grumbled having to get up and answer it. "What?" My head was already spinning.

"We got him boss. He's in the cellar" then the call ended. As quickly as I could I got up making my way at the door. One am and they finally caught the bastard. I got there within a minute searching between all the cells for him. He was all the way at the end. The torture chamber. This is the one part I'm going to miss about this place. His eyes widen in fear seeing me.

"Theó...tsk tsk woke me up"

"Oh Chaton. My best friend! I heard about your dad. What a...tragedy"

"It's called getting old a tragedy is something I'm about to do to you right now" I motioned to Nino who was patiently waiting by the wall. He tossed over a butcher knife. I twirled it in my hand, weaving it between my fingers. "Now the thing is I'm not happy with you. You've been wanted for a long time. We let you get away from a lot. But you crossed the line this time. Now your going to answer some questions, if you don't I don't mind making you bleed like you made Mari bleed"

"I'll tell you whatever! Ask away!" I went down to his level.

"Who put you up to it?"

"Lila did. I got major profit and her Akuma for the day"

"For the day hm? Did you strip him of the staff?" Nino nodded showing me it. Why wasn't he talking to me? I shook it off tracing the blade in the dirt." Why though. I let you get away so many times. Even when you stole my miraculous to be a copy cat I still let you get away. Why go after my girl?"

He grinned at this. "For money. The money is what I was after. It was nice watching as I could've backed up again to crush her head" Then I snapped. I couldn't control myself. So I stabbed him, turning the knife in his chest. His mouth opened as blood began to spill from it. He was gagging.

All of a sudden he was shifting. The image changed. His image changed. The fucking tune in the air. It was Nino, the knife still lodged in his chest, gagging on the blood. His blood. "Nino. Nino!" I released keeping the knife there and gently laying him on the ground. I sensed someone else in the room. They were behind me. I jumped to the side, their knife, zipping past my head. It was him. The real Theó Barbot.

"You know getting in your head is easy. Too easy. It's nothing personal Chat. But your going to have to die" I glanced back at the wall of weapons, that was empty. It was an hallucination as well. I gritted my teeth watching as he charged me again. He swiped and I barely dodged, he got a piece off of me. I saw the slice at my chest, just below the arm. He went off balance. It gave me a chance to swipe at his foot, grabbing the knife from his hand. I accidentally grabbed the sharp end making me wince. I threw it to the ground. He regained his step, tackling me to the ground.

I yelled out for someone to assist. From the corner of my eyes Nino was struggling to get up. I was able to kick Theó off. He rolled but had gotten up quickly. I glanced at the knife jumping towards it. He stepped down on my hand, making me shrug back. He then kicked at my stomach, when did he learn to fight?

"It's really nothing personal. It's just a job" i almost chuckled.

"A job? Your better than that. Mime now you?" He seemed to bite his inner cheek. "But your false. You made it personal. You stabbed my bestfriend" Nino was still alive, still breathing. I got up again, putting my fist up, I can feel my eyes glowing. "Well Cmon! End me like your the bitch to your master" he gritted his teeth this time. He strikes first, he was always impatient. I dodged being able to twist his arm behind his back. He yelled and I brought him to the floor.

Blow after blow I landed to his face. His head wiping to each side following each blow. I wasn't satisfied until his nose was broken in and he had blood running from it and his mouth. No forget that I kept going. "Asshole...I'm dying over here" came a murmur from Nino. I stopped. Theó wasn't breathing anymore. His face was beaten in. You can barely recognize him.

"Right. Right I just needed to get that out" I went over to him. Out of breathe at this point. I pulled his phone from his pocket, pulling up the first contact. "Come to the cellar. There's been an attack. I want the whole institute on lockdown again. And I also want the move on a speed up. I want no one sleeping till we leave" I hanged up almost immediately after ward. I laid next to him, staring up at the ceiling.

"Asshole" I glanced at the knife still lodged in his chest. It wasn't in his heart, but I would've killed him if I went closer.

"You'll be fine. For him. He's dead" his head turned to me.

"Your an asshole"

"I saved you kinda" I spoke taking deep breathes.

"You didn't let me take my piece at him." I chuckled along with him, hearing footsteps from down the hall.

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