Chapter Twenty-Three

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"I'm moving in. No one seems to notice"

"Thats because your in disguise. Have you gotten ID yet?"

"No. I've kept my head down. No one noticed" I hummed. My finger tracing around the rim of my glass. I then picked up the glass, taking a sip of its contents. "Shit"

"What now?"

"Im getting a call. I'll put him through"

"He figured out the copy cat" My eyes widen at his response. I put down my glass, standing up.

"How?" I walked towards the balcony, staring at their building.

"I saw the file. Some how he got information. What's the plan now?"

"I'm still in here. If we are already compromised should I abort?" Her voice seemed frantic. Then from her phone line there was talking. She was talking to someone. In French it seems. They were going back and fourth. A noise interfered with the phone, almost like wind. The phone must've been in her pocket. Then clicking. Her heels maybe. She was walking

"Megan" a few more clicks of her heels against the floor then the noise stopped.

"I got caught up with someone...I need to leave"

"No stay. I'll take care of it" His voice came out stern. Angry maybe. Then they both hanged up. I felt myself grow angry.  The glass in my hand shattered. I blinked a few times, wiping the glass off my hand. I stared at the red liquid, draining down the balcony.



"Find him. I want him here. Locked up. Don't kill him!" I hanged up the phone again. I watched as many of my members began to run out the door in their disguises wanting to find this man. I was about to leave myself when Cato had stopped me at the door. His face was full of panic. "Hey what's wrong?"

"I-it's Mari. She's gone. I can't find her anywhere. I think she went out"

"Went out? Went out?! How could you let her out?!" My voice rose. "Fuck man!"

"I can't go out. I don't know this place. I need you to find her" I rolled my eyes.

"I can't believe you. As you can see my hands are already full"

"She's out there. Alone. In her home town. How many memories will she uncover? People she will accidentally run into?" I cursed under my breathe. Now. Now he can't fucking babysit.

"Fine. Take care of this shit then. The man is the one in the file. We are finding him" quickly I rushed over to apanel on the wall. Pressing onto one of the tiles, a secret hatch opened, the suit of the cat appearing. "Did she have the Ladybug?"'

"I-I think. Just please find her!" Then I was out the door.


Searching for her was the easiest bit. I went to the biggest thing in Paris first. Finding her on the Eiffel Tower. Where we had All those years ago. I sighed. She was standing at the exact position too. Her back being turned to me, overlooking the tourist below. The city glowing orange, the sun was setting now.Quietly I landed. But she sensed me. Knew I was there. She didn't say a word at first, just slightly tilted her head, stepping away from the edge. "I've been here before...right?"

"You should be back at the institute. Cato is worried about you"

"Don't do that. I've been here before right?" I didn't answer her at first. I stayed silent, biting on my lip.

" have. I thought you didn't want anymore memories of me?" Her shoulders rolled in uncomfortableness. Agitated almost.

"How is this place supposed to remind me of you?" I gulped.

"Funny thing actually...this was our first date you can say. Right after-" I stopped myself. "I just wanted to clear both of our heads. So I brought you here on a little date"

"I don't get that either. Us I mean. What we were. Why? How? You kidnapped me. Ripped me away from my perfectly innocent life. Then I fell in love with you?"


"I just don't understand how such a 'fragile' girl would fall in love with a killer"

"We went through a lot when we were together. You don't understand that yet" she stayed silent. Allowing me to continue. "One day I can explain all that to you. But not now"

"Why not?"

"You don't want your memories. You told me that yourself. That and you still think I almost killed you. No point in giving you memories you would rather despise anyways" she hummed. Still standing there, she didn't move. "We need to go back. It's not safe out here" she then chuckled lowly, turning completely to me.

"You think I can't take care of myself still? I'm not dead yet. Obviously the fragile girl has changed. Don't you think?" 

"This is not up for discussion. We are leaving now" she rolled her eyes again. She turned her back to me again, climbing up on the railing. I tilted my head, what is she doing now? She then turned back to me again, smiling.

"Your going to have to catch me then" she then started to fall backward. My eyes widen, my instincts kicking in, running towards her. As she began to fall I almost caught her, her hand had slipped from mine. I looked over the ledge to see she had disappeared. She didn't fall. She wasn't splatted against the pavement below.

Where did she go though? I took out my staff, extending it and following her path down. I caught myself, lodging the metal rod into a crevice of the tower. There she was, in the other side, hanging upside down from her wire, spider like. She raised a brow ima teasing way. I let out a sigh of relief.

This woman will be the death of me. 

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