Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I backed up almost stumbling but then there was a box there, tripping me. The box then disappeared out of thin air.  I just noticed then pen and tablet in his hands. He drew something else, my hands being binding together by handcuffs. I tried to brake free from them but they were already tightened.

"You know it's odd really. How all of a sudden you show up, acting as Cato's bitch. Then pretending to defend me just to kill me yourself. Did you not think I would recognize you Marinette?" He knew my name. He knew my name?!

"H-how do you know me?" He crouched down to my level, anger in his eyes.

"This is an act. Thinking you can alter your appearance. Your voice hasn't changed sweetheart. I know it's you. Fucking bitch" he spat. "You punctured my spine, I was paralyzed for almost two years. All because of you. You and that stupid cat"

He started to draw something else and suddenly the handcuffs were off and I was in a dark room. It was pitch black as if I've been knocked out. Quickly I grabbed my Yoyo sliding it open and calling Cato. It went straight to voicemail. I then in a panic dialed the cat.

"Marinette it's...half past midnight...what do you want?"

"I'm in trouble! The man in my dreams has come back to get me I'm-" the room turned bright again. He was talking from the phone. I couldn't hear him. I could just stare at the the room. I know this room. The metal table, the weapons lining the walls, the dirty floor.

I know this room.

"Oh you remember this room don't you. How much fun we had here" his voice came out like a whisper close to my ear. I whipped around trying to face where he was, yet I couldn't see him. The cat was still on the phone screaming I could hear him. I brought it hesitantly back to my ear.


"Marinette where are you?! I'm coming to get you! You need to tell me where you are!"

"Cato said it was a mission. An old warehouse at-" my yo yo then disappeared from my hands.  Then it went black again.

It took a second but then I found myself tied down against something. The table. I gasped trying to get out of the stupid restraints. He now stood in front of me. He put the tablet and pen down on a separate table and grinned at me. "You still have the same fear in your eyes you did all those years ago"

"Who are you? Why do I know you?" He grinned and then began to laugh, his laugh echoing, bouncing off all the walls.

"Do you have Amnesia? Oh this is great. This is just lovely. Now I can use all my old tricks on you to remind you of me. And you won't see them coming. This is genius" my eyes widen in fear.

"They are coming after me. Other Miraculous. They will find you" he took the tablet again, beginning to draw something. He took his time this time, drawing this thing to perfection. That must be what his power comes from, how he's able to manipulate the world around him.

"Oh I know. I have ten minutes with you. And ten minutes is all I need to break you again" he then hummed and swiped up on the tablet. A drowning chamber appeared. His hands then took hold of my mask taking it off my face. "Now I wanna see the full panic in your eyes, especially after what you did to me"


You never feel panic like I do. Never.

My panic intensified with every step I took, with every building I jumped. Trying to get to her, trying to find her. I know where she is but I could only triangulate the location of where she last called me. When I found it I broke through the doors.

She was on the floor. Surrounding her was a puddle. I sprinted over,immediately dropping to my knees. "Marinette...Marinette talk to me" her hair was cut, short and staggered. She had to be unconscious. Please be unconscious. I put my ear to her chest, she is still breathing but it's like she's choking on something. She was drowned, that's why there is a puddle. I started to perform CPR, trying to get the water out of her lungs.

"Marinette come on! Stop being so fucking stubborn!" I can't loose her. Not again. Not again. "Come on!" I tried to give her air for one last time, then sat back. It's up to her now. I just looked around her, her pieces of hair littering the floor. Her mask thrown to the side like garbage. I felt my throat close up, tears streaming into my eyes. I didn't want to loose her again.

Then she began to cough, spilling water out onto the ground. I helped her up, allowing her to gain her breathe back. I didn't care that the last remaining tears flowed out, she was alive, she was still here. Then tears began to pour out from her eyes, she began to shake and sob. She dove into my chest, embracing me. It's almost like we've both forgotten about these past few months.

We just held each other. Like two years ago.

"Who did this to did this even happen?" She broke away from me when she heard my voice. She attempted to get up but her legs wobbled. "Hey no. You still need to breathe. But tell me"

"T-there was a man. In my dreams. R-red hair" I looked at her in confusion. Red hair?

"What did he do to you?" Then she froze. Her eyes holding fear.

"Day 3: Welcome back Cat. Your bug right here has been going well. She is such a good little girl. Isn't they right Marinette?" She only groaned, fresh tears dripping from her eyes again. "Use your words love. What did I teach you?"

"I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." she pleaded.

"It's okay. It's okay. Don't worry. Today is going to be different. No knives. No blood today. None of that" she sighed in relief. Slumping against the restraints. Gently he took her down, allowing her to lean against him. Then the scene changed and they were in another cellar. She was screaming, trying to get him to stop. There was an empty tank. He threw her in there. He then went to the camera smiling into it. "Hope she can swim" but she didn't move from her position as the tank started to fill with water.

Then he began to hum his tune.


"What did he do to me..." she whispered, snapping my from my thoughts. Her hands shakingly went to her hair.

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