Chapter Six

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"And so what if I am babe?"

"That means I get to do this" I jumped on her causing her to shriek. I had chuckled as she tried to get away. I locked her in, wrapping my arms around her, caging her.

"No let me go!" She kept squirming as I just kept laughing. She slouched in defeat, leaning against me.

"Are you done squirming now?" I said in between laughs.

"I'm too tired to deal with you right now. And-And stop laughing at me!" She angrily crossed her arms against her chest.

"I'm sorry bugaboo I just think your adorable" I kissed the top of her head.

"Adorable my a" I came close to her ear.

"I know it is" I whispered, lightly teasing her. Her eyes widen as she turned slapping me on my chest.

"You are a dirty cat" she then jumped up and back down right on my...ow. She scrambled out of my arms giggling as I laid back on the couch. "Don't ever do that again!"

The memory had faded away. I remembered that day so clear. The morning after I had gotten wasted I could barley stand on my own feet. Why did everything have to change?

All I could do was stare at the girl who called me her lover, now a woman and called me her enemy walk into the kitchen. With each disgusting word she threw at me took a bullet to my chest. She had walked back into the kitchen with Cato following behind her. She had leaned against the countertop, only a foot in front of me.

"Listen here. If your gonna fucking stay here, you listen to me. I want you to avoid me. Don't try to talk to me. Don't look at me. And for gods sakes don't try to get close to me. Got it?" She then crossed her hands in-front of her chest, biting her lip.

"Why are you nervous?" She had her hands separated, one of them messing with the chain on her neck.

"I'm not. Look your already breaking the rules. Cato I'm going to be with you sister training" with that she had left.

"Bab-" He then had sighed, running his hands through his face and into his hair.

"Well am I at least allowed to train as well?" His eyes had narrowed at me.

"One o'clock. Then if you really want Twelve-Thirty" I tilted my head.

"Hey why so late?" He put the sandwiches Mari had left out on the counter, back into the fridge. He then had turned to me saying nine simple words.

"Because no one else is out at those times"


Everywhere I went there was a tenseness. Conversations between people would turn into a small murmurs. They would stare, maybe point at me. I kept my head down after that. Just speed walking to the training area.

As promised it was completely empty. The lights were even turned off. I sighed, switching them on and looking around. Few knife throwing stations, weights, punching bags, mostly everything I would need. Might as well get started.


"Thanks Ella for lunch" she had smiled warmly.

"No problem. But hey next time your paying" I rolled my eyes raising a brow.

"If you insist" she then had gotten up from her chair, taking her left over food with her.

"Hey I gotta Run. You cool on your own?" She had a sense of worry in her eyes. Because of the cat being here. She wants to help me cope but all I could do was push her away.

"I'm cool" but on the inside I knew I wasn't. She didn't need to know that. I'm guessing that she knew I was lying though. She hesitantly grabbed onto my hand, squeezing it gently. With that she had walked away. I picked at my leftover food and had sighed as she went out of view.

I wasn't okay.

I had glanced at the time on my phone. 1:45. Might as well get my mind off him by training. I think I have some left over clean clothes in my locker. With that I had gotten up, dumping the last bit of my food and walked out of the cafeteria.

It didn't take me long to get to the training room. Oddly the light was already on. Normally if I would come here around this time, I would have to turn on the light. Guess someone beat me to the punch. I shrugged at the thought making my way to the locker room. I opened my locker and lucky for me there were clothes there. A pair of black leggings and matching black sports bra. No shirt though. Oh well. I had changed quickly, putting my hair into a high pony tail. I grabbed one of the towels from the rack for later, when I really start sweating.

When I went back out I stopped dead in my tracks. It was him. His eyes were full green now. He was on one of the mats, his weapon of choice in hand. He was attacking one of the advanced AI dummies we had. All I could do was watch. His movements were mesmerizing. He moves swiftly, dodging then attacking. Dodging then attacking again. He had flipped over the dummy being able to pin it. With one swing of his staff the dummies 'neck' had cracked. He was breathing heavily at the end of it, his eyes turning to their normal green.

I don't think he noticed me standing there because he had peeled off the sweat drenched shirt he had on. Tribal Tattoos had ran across his back side and full arm. The lines were bold, crisp. Drawn to perfection. Then he had looked at me. He brushed his blond hair back with his hand.

"Uh Cato said I can get one o'clock time slot" I snapped out of my daze of just staring at him to my normal blank expression.

"Times up"

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