Chapter Nineteen

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"Wait your leaving? I just got back?" He only sighed, packing his stuff away in his go bag.

"I'm sorry. It's business and I have to go. The death of The Agreste is hard for all of us, even if his son is a stuck up hard ass" I plopped back down on the bed, staring at him. He glanced my way. Then went back to what he was doing, stealing glances every once in a while.

"What?" I questioned. He shook his head chuckling.

"You do that thing with your lip. Almost a pout. Happens when you don't get what you want. So what do you want?" my eyes narrowed at him.

"I want to go with you" he then raised a brow, shutting his luggage. He jumped, landing next to me on the bed. I laid back with him, staring at him.

"I need someone to watch over the institute while I'm away. Thought I could trust you with that?" I smiled.

"This is why you have a sister. Please don't leave me again" his face softened.

"I mean I guess I-" he paused. "What about Adrien?"

"The cat? I'll take care of it. I don't need to associate with him"

"But last few days-"

"Is not to be spoken of again. Okay?" He gave me a dumbfounded look. I felt my teeth bite my lower lip. The room was silent for a bit. He sighed again, sitting up then kissing my forehead.

"I'm sorry. My lips are sealed" I struggled to keep the smile to myself. "Oh there she is. There's my little bug"

"I want to go" he hummed.

"Okay. Pack up then. I'll call Ella. She's gonna he mad though...your not taking her"

"I'll deal with it. It's not the first time I've left her" he rolled his eyes, getting up and putting my still packed luggage on the bed.



"Yes... why?" Nino spoke again through the phone. Worry in his voice. "She's not coming Nino. It's going to be fine okay? Just...don't even tell Alya about her alright? I have some new information anyways so until I get there keep your mouth shut. I'll see you in a few hours"

I hanged up, continuing my walk to his room.  I didn't even bother knocking. I should've knocked. Instead I walked in on them, passionately sucking each other's faces off. My eyes widen at first then went into a cold gaze. Show no emotion. Show nothing and she won't get to you. I cleared my throat making them both jump. She landed off the bed, Cato stayed on, narrowing his eyes at me.

"It's called fucking knocking" he spat. I shrugged.

"Let's go the jet is ready" she had gotten up. My eyes trailing across her body. Sweat pants and a bra.

"Awesome." She walked past me, grabbing her shirt from the chair on the other side of the room. She held it up and frowned, a rip going through it. "Babe where are we going again?"

"Wait, we?" I raised a brow.

"She wants to come. Says she doesn't want to leave my sight or something like that. Nothing happened while you went with her to Britain...did it?" Cato stood up, crossing his arms over his chest. I narrowed my eyes back at him. She didn't tell him? Or is this another one of her tricks?

"No. Nothing happened. Other than my dad dying while she watched. That's about it" I sneered. I felt the whole room tense. It was silent for a minute till I broke that silence. "I have to make a phone call"



"You just have to do it. This is your first one so I'm going with you to show you the ropes. Your client has wished for no one except the target to be killed. No witnesses either. Your pay will become less if there is a witness who saw you do it. It won't effect you but it will effect your client. The police know we do it for the money"

"Is that it? It shouldn't be that hard then" The Hornet chuckled at me.

"The last time you had your first kill was a tragedy. You didn't come out of your room for days"

"I thought you told me I killed a rapist in an alleyway" I said this while staring down at the house of the target we are to hit.

"You did. Everyone's first blood always stays with them. For forever. I still remember mine when I was ten"

"Ten?!" My eyes widen.

"We were trained young. He was just a low profile janitor at a school. Poor guy got into gambling and cheated at one of the tables, the wrong table at that"

"If you know it's wrong to do it why do we do it?"

He chuckled again, eyes glimmering orange. "It's our way. We do what's necessary. You used to hate it. Wanting to never kill. Ever. You used to think...well...maybe another time I can get into that"

"I don't get wha-"

"He's going out, look" he interrupted me. I frowned looking down at the older man. He was fumbling with his keys to lock his door. Constantly looking back as if he was anticipating something was going to happen. "Someone must've tipped him off, damn Akumas"


"Rival gang. Try to take the business from us. Constantly been giving us trouble, killing off members of our own"

"What made them become rivals? Can't we become their allies?"

"No. Not since they stole Kwami's from us. Right now we really have to get on this guys or we are going to loose him"

"But I don't get it-"

"Ya know what Fine...if you want to ask to many questions I'll do it myself" with that he took out a throwing blade, ringing it from the rooftop and burying it in the mans heart.

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