Chapter Eighteen

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Days later...

As soon as I got out off that plane I ran straight to the institute. He was waiting for me outside. I dropped my bag as I pulled him into an embrace. He wrapped his arms around me as well, one of his hands, stroking my hair. I let out a sigh of relief. I was safe again. Away from him. He pulled me back out of his embrace, on so this hands then caressing my face.

"God I've missed you"

"I've only been gone for a few days" I smiled at him as he flashed his bright whites at me as well.

"Don't leave ever again for a few days" he then came close to my ear. "Oh the nights we missed together, we could've done so much more..." I couldn't stop myself from laughing, lightly slapping his chest. He didn't stop, leaning down to leave a peck on my lips. I hesitantly returned it back, then smiling halfway though it. We both pulled away, just staring at each other. "You okay?"

I nodded. "Yea...a lot on my mind" he smiled sadly.

"Don't worry baby...I'll kill him later" I rolled my eyes. "Nothing else happened right? Just the kiss and him figuring know"

"I'm sure of it" lies. But I was too good at this. Good at hiding my emotions. I've been doing it for years. He and Ella were the ones who can truly unlock my feelings. As long as he didn't pressure any more, I'll be fine. I won't spill.

"Okay. Cmon. We got to get your things back in our room" I nodded again, allowing him to walk a little so I could follow behind. As soon as I walked in I was tackled. I went into defensive mode, trying to throw off the person. Yet they pinned me down. I angrily looked up but my face softened when I saw it was Ella.

"You were gone for way too long missy! And didn't even tell me you were leaving! How dare thy? You also didn't answer your phone. It went straight to voicemail!"

I winced as she jumped up and back down on my stomach. "Well phone was off and I was...dealing with stuff" she also gave me a sad smile, sympathy.

"Now you made me feel bad" she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. I laughed a little.

"Sorry" I shrugged.

"Ella get off my girlfriend" she than glared up at him.

"And that too! I need an explanation!" She jumped up again giving me my chance.  I raise my arms, taking her by the hips and turning us over. I pinned her down, smirking. "Hey!"

"Not my fault. It's pay back" I poked at her chest and all she did was glare at me. I stuck my tongue out than had gotten off of her. I helped her up, she dusted off the imaginary dust off her leggings. I felt myself zone out. I could hear that she was talking to her brother, maybe yelling at him for being a stupid man. I couldn't focus. I just couldn't.


The girl had tackled her. I went to go over there but Mari was smiling. I stayed back, leaning at the door frame. All I could do was watch. She was happy. They talked in that position for a bit until the girl was to jump on her again. Marinette flipped them over, locking her in the same hold. They both were laughing. Mari stuck her tongue out getting off of her and helping her up in the process. They talked a little bit more then Mari seemed to zone out. Cato wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Both him and the other girl were going at it. Wait. It was his sister.

God how she has changed from over the years. They still bickered like the little five year olds they were. Was she in on this? How could she be? I felt my gaze drift back to Mari. I kissed her.

I was drunk out of my mind that night. It was like the beginning of my rampage all over again. The endless blurry nights, not knowing what happened the next day.

But I did remember. I remember our conversation. Everything after the kiss. It was like I was woken up. Like I've been dormant for years and finally I opened my eyes. But she didn't feel the same. I thought maybe that would've done it. Something to spark a memory, anything. I've tried all I could, I've kept trying. Yet nothing was working. Maybe her condition was useless.

She was trying to kill me, of coarse it was useless.

Her eyes than flickered to mine. Just like at the institute. The stare down. Almost as if her eyes held a sense of longing? All I did was look down, away from her treacherous gaze. I grabbed hold of the handle on my luggage and went off. It took a minute for my phone to ring. I groaned, digging into my pocket. I didn't even bother looking at the caller ID.


"Geesh who put a stick in your ass"

"What do you want Nino?"

"Your needed back in France. Your father left loads of paperwork and someone needs to go over them. With the Volpina case and everything. They said your dad had a lead but no one knows where he left his notes"

"He didn't have a lead. He would've told me if he had a lead"

"Apparently he did. No one wants to go into his office either. High tech security codes remember?"

"Fine. I want you there though. You and Alya can stay in one of the guest rooms"

"Right. A meeting is being held by the major bosses of certain institutions. It's seems Cato was too busy to take a call. I know he's got his hands full with the expansion but Italy can't come and someone needs to represent that quadrant"

I mumbled a curse under my breathe. "Fine" than I hanged up.

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