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Hey so like I'm not dead. This account still lives and I may have gotten some more inspiration. Instead of another miraculous series I'm branching out.

Who likes Marvel and DC? Well thats what the next book is going to be about! I'm actually excited to start branching out and hope y'all like it too. Here's a sneak peek at the Academy of Isador which comes out as soon as I write a few chapters and know for sure its what I want

Years and years after the infinity stones were put back in their timelines Earth had finally began to rest. Research had still continued when it came to time travel and dimensional portals.

Those apart of Marvel had found a way to open a portal to another dimension and allow completely safe passage.

Those apart of the DC universe had found a way to open a portal to another dimension and allow completely safe passage.

The two worlds had crashed together in a realm which was later called Isador. The two forces had fought for dominance but met their match, almost every fight ending in a draw. They then came to an agreement to keep the realm as a neutral ground.

The leaders of Marvel and DC had then agreed to open a school for their children to make sure they don't use the realm as a war zone.


Jennifer Anderson was dropped off at the gates of the Academy of Isador. Yet she was completely human with no idea as to how she got there. The school decided to keep her as she would be a danger to exposing the existence of the Academy.

A non super in a super school? What could go           wrong?

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