Chapter Fourty-Two

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"I-I have a plan. Something that could work for the both of us"

"Speak quickly. I don't have time for your nonsense"

"Because your little accomplice decided to hurt can wait till March for him to die"

"March? Are you kidding me? We don't have this kind of time. You idiot"

"Marinette is showing signs of PTSD. I talked to the nurse about her confusion and for her to fully be...better. I need the cat alive"

"I gave you a week. A week. And just because your girl got hurt in it doesn't mean we have to stop everything"

"Yes it does mean we have to stop everything. It'll just take a pause for right now"

"I don't have time for him to be dead in a March Cato"

"Make some. Just till March. Plus your brother took the thing I needed to kill him with" there was some noise from the background. Then she came back on.

"Fine. What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that it happens after the wedding, right before we go on our honeymoon. Just so she doesn't know. I have a feeling her...opinion is changing. I hate to say it but it is. Also it will give me time to develop my tattoo" she hummed on the other line.

"Fine. March then. Am I even invited to your wedding?"

"You wish. I'll get it done. Tell your idiot brother to get that package back here or else"

"Yea whatever." Then she ended the call. I shook my head putting my phone away. This was too frustrating. I went into the bathroom shutting the door and staring into the mirror. I lifted my shirt over my head then stared at my back. Nothing. Still bare. Absolutely nothing. My eyes flashed orange. This is just getting me even more frustrated. I put the shirt back on exiting then immediately stopping.

"Hey what are you doing up?" Marinette shrugged.

"Missed you. I don't feel like I'm suffocating anymore. I think walking helps me calm down rather than staying on a bed"

"You sure? I need you to feel better alright?" I picked up her face by her chin. She nodded smiling lightly at me.

"Yes I know. But I'm fine alright? Sorry about the scare earlier...I don't know what happened" she seemed genuine.

"It's okay. Just your stressing. Happens" she shrugged again. Then her arms wrapped my neck and she brought me closer. I only chuckled at my hands finding her waist again.

"You know I love you right?"

"Yes you remind me something on your mind?" She shook her head. There was then a silence. What is she keeping from me? I looked over her face worryingly. "Little bug...?"she shook her head, now looking at the floor. "Something is on your mind. Please tell me"

"No it's nothing. I swear" she then looked back up at me. Her eyes almost pleading.

"Tell me" my voice became stern. She bit her lil, her hold on me releasing. Her hands went to my chest, she knew she wasn't getting out of my hold any time soon. "Now" she shook her head.

"I'm just nervous about the w-wedding. I don't want anything to go wrong"

"Nothing will go wrong. I promise" she sighed. She bit her lip...again. Something was seriously wrong. Then she captured my lips in another kiss. Aggressively she took it. I almost stumbled back. Almost. I caught myself, keeping my stance. She never was this...aggressive when it came to this. It wasn't a spark in confidence though. I got distracted easily as she tried to take over.

I flipped us over, backing her into the wall. She tried to take over again. But I didn't let her. That was until she grabbed at my pants. God this woman is going to be the death of me.


"So today I was thinking we could go dress shopping. You know do some normal girl things" Ella dropped two more magazines on her bed. I nodded slowly, adjusting my shirt. "You alright with that?"

"Yea I'm just nervous as hell" she smiled.

"Awe cute. Marinette showing she actually does care" I flicked her on her head. Then we both laughed. She flipped some of the pages, looking through the dresses and marking some of them. "These are the ones I'm going to want you to try on"

"Don't I get a pick for my wedding dress?"

"No your horrible when it comes to style. I got you girl" I just shook my head chuckling a bit. She kept going through them, commenting on each dress, saying what should be done, what I should be wearing. I had to keep reminding her that I can't be a complete skank to my own wedding.

There was a knock at her door. She got up answering it and there was Nino. He then walked in. "Um. Adrien wanted to make sure everything was alright" Ella just looked at me with a tilted head.

"Y-Yea I'm fine. How is your injury?" He shrugged pulling out his phone and seeming to dial a number.

"Healing and the norms. He wants you to go back to the hospital wing later to check your vitals. He's worried about your health" I nodded understanding.

"Okay. Thank you Nino" he put the phone to his ear then walked out again. I looked back down at the magazines, now frowning at the dresses.

"He's checking up on you?" Ella spoke. I sighed and shrugged.

"Yea I suppose. I mean he did find me almost dead on the floor. I guess he's worried still" she seemed to have bit her tongue. Now she was frowning looking at the dresses.

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