Chapter Fifty-Two

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I felt like a stranger in my own body. Being controlled against my will. It was strange. I could see everything my body was doing, yet I couldn't stop it's motion. Couldn't stop what it was saying. It was horrible. When Cato was there I thought maybe he would help me. Help me get out of this. Instead he only shrugged it off with a troubled look. Then he disappeared. When he came back later that night he completely looked at me different. I don't understand why he wasn't helping me.

I went with Ella. Well whatever her name is, I think Boss Lady. Then the cat showed up. He was different. The same white color. The tail. But he had a cape, his features becoming sharper with his new mask. I wanted to break free of my own personal prison. I had to. I needed to save him. I needed to save Ella. Both of them were brainwashed. But for the cat he's gone through so much torture, who knows what happened to him at the wedding.

The cat led us to the main room, the main lobby area where everyone passes through to get anywhere in the institute. He took out a gun from his belt and shot three shots in the air. Ella then turned to me through all the panic and screams. "Scare..." then my body began to move. My webs darted out blocking all the exits then covering the lights to make the room go very dim. Everyone was in a panic. Then Ella turned to the crowd, "silence..." everyone's mouths had shut. Proud of her work, she grinned.

"Good job Lady Boss. Your now needed elsewhere, go set up the bombs" I could see the people's panic. Everyone in the institute had a panic in their eyes. All of them were huddled together, as if rounded up like cows ready to be slaughtered. "There is so much fear. So much fear. That's good. It's so good. I can do a lot with fear. Yes I can" then the butterflies came. One by one they started to trickle in the room. Everyone was trying to get away, but the more he turned each butterfly the more people that got struck by it, turning themselves.

It was so much screaming. Then out of nowhere, Carapace along with Rena Rouge dropped in. Carapace had put up a shield, preventing anymore butterflies from hurting anyone else. Then Rena had played her flute, a wall of flames going up to burn the butterflies.

"Adrien stop! Your hurting these people. This is your home your hurting you family!" He only grinned tilting his head.

"I don't have a family. My family is either dead or has lost their mind. They didn't help me. Adrien is no more. Adrien fell off a very high ledge and hit the bottom with a crack. Adrien died" his eyes glowed after the statement. Then the shield went down and the burning butterfly's were starting to get through to everyone. Then my evil instincts took over, swinging my yo-yo and my webs going around them. Rena broke through them, carapace still falling behind.

"No he's not. Adrien look at Marinette. Look what you have done to her. Just look at her!" My body then had turned to him. His eyes caught onto mine. I then turned the evil inside me then wrapped Rena in a cocoon of webs. She struggled, her flute dropping to the floor. "Adrien please. Your alive. This is your institute. Your gang. Your family. Please listen. Look at her"

I glanced at him again. The same intense glare. I tried to get rid of the sadness in me. Tried to get rid of the hatefulness for Cato. That's what turned me. I need to reverse it. He got distracted. Looking at me. Then Nino broke free from his prison bringing him to the ground. My other self didn't notice Rena did as well and she got to me. She was stronger than me. My other self tried to fight her off but Alya grabbed my earrings, throwing them to the ground. The butterfly came out of them and she used her flute to destroy it. My transformation wore off, all the webs in the room disappearing.


I felt weak. God what happened? I looked around everyone was in a panic. What the- then my eyes darted to the cat. He's here. Dressed differently but he's here. His eyes were flashing all sorts of colors. Purple then green, purple then green. He's fighting to gain back power over his body. Suddenly the door then opened on the other side of the room. Bars forming around the people who got trapped from before. The man at the door. The man of red. Nathaniel. My eyes widen and I froze in my place.

"Well would you look at that. Think you can escape from me Marinette? Now your little boyfriend is under my control, I bet that its the best way to go out" he spoke while he was drawing again. Then I was in that same room. That same damned room he showed me before.

But the cat was there. I was tied down to the table while he had to knife. He stood still for a minute, stared at the knife, then back at me. I pulled against the restraints, trying to break free. He wasn't in the right state of mind. He couldn't control his actions. The monster had taken over him, he can't handle this Kwami. He can't. He then grinned coming closer. He grabbed my hand, his finger tracing over the wedding band. "First. We start by chopping off your finger" the knife the began to trace over my finger.

"A-Adrien! Please. Please listen to me. Please I know your in there" he still kept his grin. His evil grin. His knife then traced at my skin, teasing it waiting till it breaks. "Adrien please! This isn't you. It's me, Marinette. I'm sorry I married Cato. I'm sorry. I need you right now, please. Come back to me, please...come back to me" His eyes flashed again. Then the knife went up I shut my eyes, tears coming down my face. This is how I go.

Then the binding came off and I almost fell to the door. He cut them off of me. He then turned his back to me as if his head had hurt and he was in pain. "G-Go!" I ran to him turning him around. He handed me the knife and backed away again. "Marinette your going to have to kill me. It's the only way to stop it" he was scared. It was him again. My Adrien.

"No we can fix this! Together we can make you better" he let out a growl, yelling out in pain, his hands finding his head.

"K-Kill me!" Then he jumped to attack me, his eyes purple again. I screamed and out of instinct the knife went straight through his stomach.


The end is near...

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