Chapter Thirty

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The morning after... iffy iffy you've been warned child

" of my life..." he was poking me. Trying to wake me up. After last night I tired. I groaned, pushing him away. He started to kiss at my neck, trailing his teasing fingers down my stomach. I swatted him away as he started to get lower. "Is someone sensitive still..?" He whispered into my ear. I turned towards him, grabbing the sheet near his...area.

"I don't know babe are you...?" I asked innocently. He held his breathe making me smirk. I gotten up, walking to the bathroom. My legs felt sore. Everything felt sore. I bit my lip, beginning to turn the shower on. Suddenly I felt hands on me, wrapping around my waist.

"You just gotta love big bathrooms" Cato said into my ear. He pushed me into the shower, taking over me.


"Sir we have an issue"

"What type of issue Nino?"

"An Akuma is at the front gate"

"Just one?"

"One sir"

"Impossible they went without any type of backup. I want a full lockdown on the institute. Code Red procedures"

"We are not being infiltrated"

"Not yet. Just do as I say" Nino nodded tailing off my trail, beginning to punch in numbers on his phone. I quickly went to a room, turning into the cat. They opened the door for me as I got there to the main area. There she was. Leaning against the wall that surrounded the front area.

"Look what the cat dragged in" she was in uniform as well, her tail resting on the wall.

"What are you doing on Miraculous territory Akuma?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest. She scoffed.

"Am I not welcomed at my own headquarters?" She pushed herself off the wall. She stood there, smirking. I heard someone approach from behind me. It was Marinette, dressed as the ladybug. I felt my guard go back down as she approached me. My ears perked, the soft sound of a flute going through the air.

"Adrien the alarm went up what's happening?" I went to speak but stared at her eyes. Brown eyes. Adrian?

"You! You were at the bar!" Her disguise dropped. The same resddish hair the same black mask.

"Oh cmon sugar. You can't let me have a little fun?" She went to walk past me but I quickly grabbed my staff extending it in her path.

"You were in my institute. Probably stole Something. Your not getting away that easily especially to what you did to her"

"I would've gotten away with it too if my idiot of a partner didn't try to get his own...pleasure out of it" she grinned at the last part. She crossed the line. Next thing I knew my gun was drawn, right next to her forehead. Lila didn't even blink, neither did the girl.

"One move your dead" she didn't flinch. She still kept her grin on.

"Go ahead do it. I dare you" the flute noise then perked as I pulled the trigger. She was gone. Both of them were. Everyone at the gate looked at me in confusion. I put a finger over my lips telling them to be quiet. My ears flickered, I have to listen for the flute. I caught onto a note. I shot in that direction hearing a muffled scream. The hallucination came un done to see the girl from the club on the ground, bleeding from her leg. Lila dropped her flute next to her losing her disguise.

"You don't know me anymore Lila. You don't. I've gotten stronger, faster, smarter. You can't touch me anymore. You can't. You hurt what's mine, right under my nose and your going to pay for it" her eyes looked panicked. I just sat bat, I got down to their level. "Now I know your not here. This was too foolish of a plan to pull with no back up. Your friend Théo. Is going to die a painfully slow death. Be sure of that. And to whoever is under this disguise go tell your boss, I'm not scared. I don't care anymore" I felt my eyes glow green. Their disguises dropped as well revealing two men. I remember them from the time we infiltrated the base. They watched Mari get tortured I bet.

Both of them got up in a scramble, one of the men picking up the other hurt one. They tried to scramble away. I sensed Nino come next to me. "Nino I have a question"

"Yes boss?"

"How many people does it take to deliver a message?" He took out his choice of weapon, grinning.

"One" then he was off.


"Where were you this morning?" Cato has come into the training room as well, later than his normal time. His fingers tapped against one of his boxing gloves. 

"Busy." He was wrapping his hands. He chuckled to himself smiling at the floor. I raised a brow at him but he didn't see me. He put both his gloves on, jumping up and down as he punched into the punching bag. He was in a good mood. Why? The bag kept swinging, making him wait. I stood behind the bag holding it for him. He thanked me continuing to punch.

"So what were you busy with?" He smiled again.

"Things man" his eyes glowed as he started to pound in the bag. I kept the bag there, he wasn't gonna tell me. When he was done he thanked me again smiling as he walked out. I waited a bit until I went out as well. One of our members walked past and I got their attention.

"Why is Cato in a good mood today?" The man smiled.

"Heard he's getting married. Lucky bastard" the man chuckled as he left.


You got to be fucking kidding me

The Buzzing Lie जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें