Chapter Two

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"Babe...wake up...its Christmas" I groaned, turning away from him. I pulled the covers closer to my body.

"Go away..." I mumbled back. He had chuckled, laying onto of me and kissing my forehead. "Get off your heavy" I whined again. I heard him chuckle again and he got off of me, taking the blanket with him. The bitter cold had hit me making me groan again. "Noo! Your so mean to me"

"Get up...I got something for you downstairs" he had whispered into my ear. I love his morning voice. It was always deep and husky making me shiver. I hummed in response getting out of the bed and looking for my shirt and shorts. Someone got a bit..handsy...last night. I blushed at the memory, putting on my clothes. I put my long hair into a messy bun.

"Just tell me. You know I hate surprises" my hands folded in front of my chest. He smirked approaching me.

"Well someone has to come downstairs to find out" he had lightly kissed me on my cheek, then had grabbed my hand. He led me out the door.


"It's Christmas! Mari! Yay!" Ella was a little bit to excited for every holiday. My birthday was even worse. All she did was make a big fit about it and now everyone knows when my birthday is. She always too cheery about these things. It made me...uncomfortable. Ever since the crash I haven't-

"Babe, your drifting again" I snapped out of my thoughts, blinking a few times.


"It's alright. But here. Surprise" he took out a miniature box from his pocket. He smiled, putting it in my hand. "Okay I know-" I had opened the box, gasping. "Not what you were expecting but I don't know how to do it any other way"


"Wait what?"

"Yes, I love it! Help me put it on" he had only chuckled taking the necklace out of its box. It was a hornet. It reminded me of him because...he was the infamous Hornet. I had turned around, allowing him to put the clasp on the chain. Once he put it on I turned back to him, leaving a sweet kiss on his lips. "Thank you"

"See wasn't the surprise worth the wait" I nodded, pecking his lips one more time.

"Awe. You guys. So cute!" Ella had jumped for joy using the baby voice. I rolled my eyes, Cato putting his arm around me.

"Hey babe. I think it's my turn" he had raised a brow. I got out from his hold on me going to the tree and looking for his present. I smirked when I saw it. I picked it up then had walked back over to him. He took it from me, looking at me suspicious.

"You don't give presents" I shrugged.

"Thought I'd make a change" he started to unwrap the present which had led him to a rectangle box. He opened it, his breathe catching in his throat, making him cough.

"Fuck...Marinette!" It was like he was in a trance. Ella only watched us, curiously. I went closer to him, right next to his ear.

"That's for tonight. Merry Christmas baby"


It was late afternoon. I had just finished my last training session for the day. Even on a holiday I still had to do some training. I grabbed a towel off the rack, wiping it over my face. I had then left it around my neck. I gotten a bottle of water, taking small sips from it. I leaned against the wall, suddenly Cato was leaning right next to me.

"You have been teasing me all day little bug...when are you going to try on that little outfit of yours" his eyes had glowed a bit orange.

I hummed. "I don't know...teasing you is very fun" I knew my eyes had glowed just a little bit. He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"You know I don't like games"

"You know I crave them" I didn't even notice how close he was to me.

He hummed at my response. "Kinky"

"Hey babe. I got a tiny...itty...bitty secret for you" my hands had trailed across his chest unfolding his arms. His hands had found their way around my hips, bring me closer.

"What's that little bug?"

"It's that time of the month" he looked at me confused.

"Time of the-" then his eyes brows raised in realization. "You ass wipe" I escaped from his grasp, throwing the towel around my neck at him. "Hey I'm not done with you!" I could only laugh, sprinting out of the room and away from him.


I had taken a shower and felt refreshed. Christmas was such a drag. A few people had gotten me gifts, in which I thanked them for. Not that I'm saying it was because of how many gifts I received it's just that every holiday has been a drag for me. Like I felt empty. Like something was missing.

Probably because I've always had my family. And now I had no idea who they were.

I was walking through the hallway when someone had put their hands over my eyes, they spoke in a deep voice.

"Guess who?" I smirked.

"Cato?" They answered, no. "Ella?" No again. Wait, no one else in the institute would dare touch me like this. People sometimes don't even go near me. I had grabbed their hands, turning around to face them.

"Hey Bugaboo" he held onto my hands. The mans messy blonde hair had crossed over his emerald eyes. His face leaving an imprint on my mind. He was the only one I remember.

"C-Chat Noir?" He had only smiled, tears were filling his eyes.

"Y-you remember me? Marinette-" but I had let out a scream. I let it rip through the air. His eyes widen.

He was the only one I remembered because he tried to kill me.

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