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"It's done Ma'am" I could only grin, my manicured fingers tapping against the phone.

"How is Cato?"

"Not as responsive. His wife didn't come with us to his disbelief"

"What a shame. She would have been a greater use for me. Well I would have taken pleasure in torturing her" Lila had then said something in the background the phone wouldn't pick up. "Who are we missing?"

"Nathaniel's sister is dead...Megan didn't make it out"

"You may be adopted Lila but I do feel bad. Come home. Then I'll take care of all of you"

"We will. First flight tomorrow"

"Keep low and don't alert no police. Ça va avoir l'air mauvais si la presse vous attrape ici" I'm assuming she understood as she hanged up the phone. I took a deep breathe, getting up from the love seat and leaning against the balcony bars. From behind, someone wrapped their arms around me. I hummed seeing my husband.

"Good morning wife"

"It's the afternoon loving husband" he kissed my cheek lovingly.

"Same thing. What's on the agenda for today?" He then stepped back. I just noticed the bottle of wine in his hand with two glasses. I smiled, he always knew how to brighten the mood. He poured the wine into the glasses, then handed one to me as he set the bottle down.

"Well I do have a press conference later tonight. But that's not until six. Other than that, paper work as per usual" I took a sip from my glass.

"Can I just have you to myself for one day love?"

"Mr.Couffaine your very selfish to think you can have me all to yourself"

"Well Mrs.Couffaine I think I do earn it no?" I only laughed at his teasing. 

"Don't you have a song to write?" He only hummed, setting his wine glass down.

"I've had no inspiration lately. Why don't you...inspire me?" He then was very close to me. His arms had trapped me against the balcony bars. I only laughed pushing him away at his chest.

"You would enjoy that wouldn't you. But what do I tell you?"

"No distractions while working"

"Yes I did say that didn't I?" He frowned putting on a fake pout. I laughed again going past my husband to get back inside. "Écris une chanson sur moi" he shook his head.

"There is a whole album about you my love" I then shrugged sitting at my desk. He laid lazily on my couch in my office only making me laugh again and continue to my work.



I don't know how long I laid there after the explosion. I didn't want to move. I wanted to die here. Die here with Adrien. I just wanted to leave this fucked up world. But Alya got to me. Nino had put up his shield to block his whole family and us. The explosion went right over us, not effecting us at all. Then we all laid there. The youngest child was crying, the twins holding onto their mother and whimpering as well.

I told them to watch over Adrien and I ran back to the damage. The whole building was totaled. I looked for any survivors. Anybody. But corpses of those who couldn't escape littered the ground. I tried to dig through the rubble, someone had to be alive. Someone. Anyone. Then there was movement from the corner of my eye. A hand from under a large block of concrete.  I pulled the large boulder off and it was Ella. She was impaled by one of the support rods for the building. Half of her face was distorted as well. Burnt off. I gasped, just looking at her made me want to puke.

"I...I got..too close to the..bomb" she tried to pull herself off the rod but only screamed and sunk back down. It was going through her stomach and out her back. Oh god.

"I'm so sorry Ella. Your going somewhere better now you know that?" I took her face in my hands trying to call her, pulling her hair out of her face.

"Yea...yea...where's C-Cato? W-Where's my brother..?" I bit my lip. I couldn't tell her. I just couldn't.

"H-He's safe...don't worry about it" she smiled slightly through all the pain.

"I-I can't...wait to be..an Aunt" then she took her last breathe, slumping down completely. I bit back a cry, watching as my best friend died. I had to get up. So I did shakingly. I couldn't feel my own legs. I felt like passing out.

I walked back to Alya and Nino. I felt so dizzy. So I fell to my knees. Alya rushed over going to her knees as well. She embraced me as I cried into her shirt. I was unable to control myself. "We have to get somewhere safe. Adrien needs medical attention" 

"I might have a place for us" Nino then said holding onto both twins. Alya nodded, pulling out of my arms to pick up the baby.

"Marinette you need to push through. For Adriens sake, please I beg you" I wiped away my tears, pushing the hair from out of my face. I walked over to Adrien, picking him up to the best of my abilities. He groaned again, mumbling something. I didn't pay attention, right now my focus was on keeping him up.

"Do you need to switch?" Nino asked while holding the twins. I shook my head and kept moving.

We just have to keep moving.

That's all we can do. All because of a buzzing lie. A fucking lie.

The End

For now...


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