Chapter Fifty

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I was alone when I woke up. Good. I don't feel like talking to him this morning. I looked at the clock. Glad I woke up. I have training with Ella in an hour. I haven't seen her recently. Everything has been super hyperactive lately. Now I can breathe. Finally. I got dressed in my regular training attire and walked down stairs to get to training. When I walked in the training room was empty. I looked around for her. Must be running late, she normally doesn't. Odd. Might as well start setting up.

It took her ten minutes to get here. She was late. She kept her head down, not really letting me see her face. She just walked past me, going to the weapons rack. "Ella...? Everything alright?" She hummed, grabbing onto two staffs, the weapon I have yet to master. She tossed one to me and I caught it.

"Yes everything is fine Marinette" she then looked up at the me. I tilted my head. Her eyes were green. Were they always green. I went to say something about it but she already attacked me. Are we starting already?

I took a step back, dodging her attack. She then swung again and I had to block. She almost broke the wooden staff. Normally she loosens up in the beginning to warm up, but she was hitting it hard. She went to trip me and kinda succeeded, making me stumble. Guess I have to a try a bit harder. I swung back at her but she dodged quickly. Then came back with another attack knocking me to the ground. She held the staff at my neck. She had beat me again.

"I just wanna make sure your fine. Why are your eyes green?" She only smiled.

"I am for sure fine. My eyes have always been like this. Have you just noticed?" Maybe I haven't noticed. Am I that non observant?

"I suppose I have then..." she smiled with such a fake-ness. Almost scared me. Then she turned away from me, putting both of the staffs away. Then she went to the door. "Wait that's it?"

"Unless you want me to kick your ass again then yes we are done for today Marinette" the way she said my name, put a shiver down my spine. Then she stopped. Almost as if she was in a trance. Then turned to me, her whole persona changing. Her eyes were glowing. Glowing.

"Ella?!" She grabbed the staff again and began to swing it around her. I didn't have a weapon on me. My eyes widen as she went to hit me. "What are you doing?!" She swung at me again, hitting my straight in the gut. I fell over to the floor, stumbling to get back up. She only tripped me again, making me face her. Then she changed.

An ink link blob went over her and changed her appearance. She now wore a new costume, it fitted her just right. Colors of blue and red. "You must call me Boss Lady. Everything I say you will follow my command. Now...get up"

I burned through the sharp pain and had stood up. "What is happening?" I couldn't control my own body.

"Just shut up" I went to speak again, but my mouth was muffled. I couldn't open it. Like it was sewn shut. My eyes widen, I tried to move, I couldn't. She just grinned. "Now I can tell you. You've made me upset Mari. You hurt me. You let Alya get in the way of our friendship. My brother get in the way of our friendship. You forgot about me" I wanted to tell her she was wrong. But I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. My eyes were darting. That's about it

"So now. Just as the cat wants...become sad...hate Cato" my eyes widen. The sudden feeling coming over me, I couldn't stop it.



"Good job Boss Lady...very well done" I cut out. Now I just wait. Just wait until the butterfly is ready. Kagami came next to me, humming and grinning.

She looked so much like Marinette. It haunted me. Wait Marinette. Marinette. Oh shit, What am I doing? Why am I here?

It was almost like a sort of release. Then Kagami came up to me, holding onto my arm. "Your doing well blanc" Keep cool. She won't notice that I've gained consciousness again.

"Y-Yea...everything has gone completely to plan" I could feel the darkness in me try to take over again. They didn't break me. I'm still here. I can't be broken.

Lila walked in. Oh Lila. Perfect Lila. I want to make Lila happy. Let's make Lila happy. The butterfly came, landing in my hand. It then turned, flying out the window to Marinette. Perfect. As long as Boss Lady can hold the feeling on her. This is perfect. Just perfect. Perfect for prefect Lila and almost perfect Kagami.

They helped me.

So I must help them back. They helped me. So I must help them back. Kagami is wonderful, just wonderful. Not as perfect as Lila but wonderful. She put her head on my shoulder in a loving way, running her hands through my hair making me purr. I loved her touch on me. It was wonderful.

"Chaton. Keep making more little slaves. You will make us so proud" I only grinned. Waiting for more negative emotion.


Dangerously short. I know I'm sorry

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