She's Sick

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Lex Birthday is coming up quicker than I thought it would and I still can't think of shit I should do for her. I don't wanna duplicate anything she did for me because it was already done.

I want some original shit, some she ain't ever had before. It sound easy cause I never celebrated her birthday for her but I want to be as special as she made mine.

I might just have to do what I really didn't want it to come to.

"Chris can you pass me the remote please?" Alexis said.

"Alexis the remote right there" I said pointing to the coffee table.

"Obviously but I have a whole process to go through just to reach it so if you just get it it'd be quicker."

I rolled my eyes and sat up to pass it to her.

"I gotta make a run baby."

"You know when I have the twins you won't be able to be doing these frequent runs." She told me.

"This my first time leaving the house today damn." I said getting annoyed.

"And you ain't even have em yet so what you talking about?"

"Chris stop wit the attitude cause if I get one you won't like it." She said to me.

I shrugged and proceeded to putting on me some clothes to make a run.

"One day you're going to have a run go wrong, you need to be careful." She said to me.

"Why would you wish that? And who says I'm not careful?"

"I'm not wishing it I'm just keeping you aware." She said as if she was confused on why I said what I said.

"I'm more aware than you'll ever be. You make me second guess you sometimes, just shut up." I said and grabbed my keys and left.


A lot of stuff I know I shouldn't say but sometimes I can't help but to.

"Mommy my head hurts." Raniyah said coming down the stairs.

"Let me give you some medicine." I said and got up and went to our medicine cabinet.

I gave her some medicine and she laid on my lap until she fell asleep. She's suppose to be at school but she didn't feel well this morning.
Shortly after she fell asleep, I did too. These twins keep me sleep all day.

Later that night

Raniyah was now asleep in her bed and I was downstairs waiting on Chris to come home.

'LOML ❤️💍 is calling'


"What are you doin'?"

"Waiting on you to come home. What's taking you so long?"

"We at the trap counting what we made today." He said

"You and who?"

"Trey, who else?"

"How long will it take? I'm ready to go to
bed." I whined

"About 10 more minutes. Just go to bed if I'm taking too long, I know you can't hang."

"Okay. I love you." I said.

He didn't reply, "Say it back Chris or I'm going to cry."

"Damn you a crybaby, I love you too." He said and I hung up.

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