chapter four: ryder

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I kept driving, and driving, and driving. I couldn't stop, not now. I had to get to California. I don't know what I would do once I got there, but I had to at least find a place to lay low. A red and orange glow lit up the sky as the sun set. It was beautiful, but I was too scared to notice it. Too scared, too worried.


I drove for hours without end until I finally reached a little town. It seemed almost abandoned, except for a few thugs here and there. I figured my story hadn't reached them yet. I pulled up to a bar. I seriously needed a drink. The bells above the door jingled as I walked in, causing everyone to look in my direction.

I sat awkwardly at the bar, and asked for my drink.
"That'll be all?" The bartender asked, flirting with me.

"Yeah thanks." I scoffed. I really wasn't interested right now.

He walked away, and came back a little later with my drink in his hand. I drank it slowly as he left to serve someone else.

I sat alone for a while, listening to a mixture of loud music, laughing, and occasional yelling.

"You from around here?" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around to see a dark haired boy with a slight figure sit down on the stool next to me.

"Just passing through." I shrug. He was good looking , I'll give him that. His features were incredibly sharp, from his jaw to his piercing green eyes which seemed to enchant me more every second I looked them. He was dark, and mysterious, which reminded me of Dean. Maybe that's why I was so attracted to him. But there was something else about him.

"Aww, does that mean you can't stay?" He teased.

Holy shit, this guy was a spitting image of Dean, personality and all. I didn't think anyone could be like him.

"I can't stay." I replied, thinking about the fact I was a fugitive. "I don't think you'd want me to anyways."

He smirked playfully, leaning in closer to me, his eyes more enticing than ever. "Are you sure about that, doll?"

"Why don't you tell me?" I smirked back, leaning further in. Might as well have a little fun. We were dangerously close, almost touching. He leaned back away from me, breaking the tension.

"Hey, how 'bout we get outta here? It's kinda loud, don't you think?" He nodded towards two drunk men yelling at each other.

I laughed quietly, "I don't even know your name."

"I don't know yours either." He pushed.

I panicked inside. I can't just go around telling people my name. Hey, I'm Bella Lauder, murderer and a diehard Led Zeppelin fan. How's life?

"You first..." I replied cooly.

He sighed, defeated, "Ryder."

"That's all?" I asked.

"That's all." He replied. "I'm not giving someone I don't know my full name. Let's just say I've done some things..."

I chuckled softly in agreement. "I'll drink to that. I've done some things too... Lots actually."

"So, pretty girl doesn't have a name?"

I sighed. "Bella."

His smile instantly faded, a look of disbelief on his face. "Bella Lauder?"

My stomach dropped. What the fuck...

"How the hell do you know my name?" I said aggressively, leaning into his face.

He looked around nervously, before grabbing my arm and dragging me outside roughly. No one seemed to notice.

The cold air outside hit me like a truck. He sat me down roughly on the curb before sitting down next to me.

"Listen. You're lucky your story hasn't gotten here yet, but you're all over the news right now." He whispered nervously.

"You don't think I know that? That still doesn't explain how you know me..." I sneered.

He pulled out his phone and opened a new app. The news. What kind of fucking nerd...

"Most people in this town are pretty old school. Your story hasn't hit the papers. Back to me, I've been laying low here for about two weeks. I check the news everyday to make sure my story's not on here. You're not the only one running you know..." His voice grew quiet as he realized he had said too much.

"And you found me in there?" I asked, pointing at his phone. I was dead. I knew it.

"Yeah. I didn't care at the time. Until you showed up, but I didn't recognize you until you mentioned your name." He looked down, before pulling something out of his jacket.

"Woah..." I immediately back away from him, in fear that he had a gun or something.

"Relax, doll." He coaxed, "Its my room key."

I looked at him oddly, confused by what he meant.

"I'm not gonna turn you in. I know how it feels to be on the run. To be worried all the time, scared. I got a room in one of these hotels," He explained seriously as he pointed to a large motel. "If you want, you can stay with me until you're ready to go."

"Stay in your room? Well jeez, take me out on a date first!" I joked.

"I can make that happen." He winked, so suddenly back to his playful self.

"And how do I know I can trust you, Ryder?" I asked suspiciously, narrowing my eyes at him.

Once again, I found his emerald eyes staring deeply into mine..

"Because, Bella, you and I are exactly alike..."

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