chapter sixteen: the funeral

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Almost half the school showed up. There were so many people I didn't even recognize half of them. I looked around to see kids sobbing for Steph, as if they cared for her, as if they were her friends. Most of them had never even said a word to her before she had died. I spotted Beth and Charlotte in the crowd and made my way over to sit with them. They were both crying when I sat next to them.

"Hey," I said softy, as I sat down next to Beth. I gave her shoulder a squeeze, and tried my best to look sad. I felt bad for her, she basically praised Steph.

I felt a hand softly touch my shoulder, and I turned around to meet Charlie's icy blue eyes.

"How're you doing?" He asked sympathetically.
"I'm doing alright." I gave him my best broken smile, which was completely phony.

He sat down next to me, his arm around my shoulder, which I didn't enjoy at all.

The funeral lasted a while. When it was finally over we walked in a line, placing a single rose on Steph's casket. Sorry, but you had it coming, I thought. God I was so fucking rude wasn't I? I tried my best not to smile as I gently laid my white rose on the already growing pile on top of her expensive casket. I walked outside with Beth and Charlotte behind me. I said my goodbyes to them and walked away quick as I felt a raindrop hit my shoulder. My mom should have been here to pick me up a while ago. I felt a rough hand grab my arm and pull me hard back into the church.

"Careful, you wouldn't want to get sick in this rain now would you peaches?"

"Dean!" I gasped as you pulled me close, "What are you doing here?"

"Just thought I would pass by and see your first victim." You explained, nodding to Steph's casket.

I laughed softly as you whispered a dirty remark in my ear regarding my dress. Your hands caressed my lower back as you leaned in to kiss me.

"Really Dean? In church?" I joked as you kissed me softly. "Fine then." You teased as you pulled me outside. "No my dress..." I whined. "We're not in church anymore, and don't worry, I volunteer to take it off." You smirked. I rolled my eyes as we stood in the cold rain. It was deathly silent around us, as if the world had gone to sleep, and we were the only awake.
"Come on Dean, I have to go home."
"Alright come on, I'll give you a ride." you sighed.

The car ride was silent except for the tapping of raindrops against the car sleek exterior.

We arrived at my house and as I got out you said,

"How 'bout we have some fun this weekend?"

I knew exactly what you meant by fun. You know, any other girl would have guessed fun under the covers, but this kind of fun involved blood. Spilled blood. But I was guessing we would be having both kinds of fun. I smiled without even realizing it.

"Its a date." I smirked.
"I'll be looking forward to it"

I walked into my house and spotted my mom thrown across the couch, bottles of wine on the coffee table. Of course. What else did I expect?

I sighed as I laid on my bed. I got under the covers, too lazy to remove anything but my black dress. I couldn't stop thinking about what was going to happen this weekend. Who was next? Who were we going to kill next? I closed my eyes tight, trying to push away a single thought that had suddenly popped in my head. What if, what if, what if. What if this wasn't what I wanted?

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