chapter eleven: a hangover

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I woke up late after staying up all night yesterday. I got out of bed and glanced at the clock. 11:54. It was Saturday, the day of Bryan's party, but I had nothing to worry about, it didn't start until 5:00. I really didn't want to go, but I couldn't ditch Charlie like that. It wasn't a date or anything, but I still felt obligated to go for some odd reason.

"Bella?" My mom called, breaking my chain of thought. "Bella you awake?"

"Yeah I'm awake," I replied tiredly.

"Great," She yelled from her room, "Can you make breakfast?" I groaned. Another hangover.

"Yeah, sure." I yelled back, obviously annoyed.

I proceeded to make breakfast for the two of us, and brought it up to her room.

"Where were you last night?" I asked, even though I knew she would lie.

"Out and about," She replied sarcastically. "May I ask where you were? You got home late."

"On a date." I muttered. I really hoped she didn't know who Dean was.

"With who?" She said, laying back down.

"Dean Castor." I whispered. I crossed my fingers.

"Alright." She whispered. "Now get out will you?"

I sighed. I don't even know why I was so worried. Even if my mom knew who Dean was, she wouldn't care if my life depended on it.

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