Forgiveness (Sick!Fallen Angel!Reader X Angeliplier)

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Suggested by: IGNiK_.


"Please, someone. Forgive me for what I have done. I didn't mean it. Please," you whispered under your breath, squeezing your eyes shut and pleading for whoever was in Heaven. You were hoping, begging, for someone to hear you, but after a year, you were starting to lose hope. And now? Now, you were sick, with something more than a simple human flu. This was worse. Much worse. It was slowly killing you, and you knew that only going back to Heaven could stop it.

As you slowly lay on your bed, you shivered from the cold entering your body, then sighed wistfully.

"I didn't mean it," you just whimpered again as you forced yourself to fall asleep.

It happened too quickly. He was mugging you as you were in human form. It was all in self-defence. You hadn't meant to kill him.

But you did. You did, and God saw. He became angry as the mortal lay at your feet, dead, so he stripped you of your powers and left you to die on Earth.

You didn't mean it.

And in the morning, as the sun shone through the shades of your small and shabby apartment, you silently cried to yourself, remembering how happy you were with the other angels, that didn't want to have to do anything with you now that you were a disgrace. They wouldn't hear your prayers. And now, with your sickness, you wouldn't make it another month.

It was slightly pathetic, you had to admit.

And you sat there, on your bed, thinking that horrid scene over and over in your memory until it became too much, and you gripped your hair as your heart tightened in guilt and grief.

"Is there no one that will listen?!" you cried, sobbing aloud at the hopelessness growing deep in your chest. It was clawing at you, desperate to get out in some form, any at all.

You screamed, hoping it would go away, and it did, just for a bit. Then it came back, stronger than before, than ever. A metallic taste entered the back of your throat, and it made you gag. When you were done coughing up the blood on the ground below you, you stood up to clean it.

When you went to the bathroom to freshen up, you noticed how bloodshot and puffy your eyes were. It was either because you were crying, or it was another infection.

"Why won't you listen?" you uttered under your breath as you stared at yourself in the mirror, trying to remember the beautiful wings you used to have before you were cast out and forgotten.

"I am," came a quiet voice. You spun around to face the doorway, where you saw Angeliplier. He was staring at you in a way that could only be described as pitiful. And that was what you were; pitiful.

"You?" you breathed, tearing up. "You?" Angeliplier was levels above you as a rank of an angel; you never thought he would have time for the likes of you, especially not now. Not when even God didn't listen to your prayers.

"In the flesh. Unless you had hoped it wasn't." He smiled sadly at you and moved closer.

"Why now?" you asked him quietly.

"I had to get permission from... well, y'know," he chuckled. "Took me quite a while."

A pain shot through your gut, and you winced, bending over. The smile was siped off Angel's face as he ran over to stabilize you.

"So... He's been listening?" you rasped, feeling liquid drip from your nose. Dark crimson started to drip from your face, landing on the white tile below.

"Of course He has. Ever since you left," he answered in a gentle voice. "I get to bring you back now."

"Really?" You couldn't believe it; after a year, you were finally allowed back to where you belonged. You were ecstatic.

"Really and truly. But on one condition," he said.

"What is it?"

"You have to stay with me. Just so I can make sure that you don't get into any more trouble," he smirked. You nodded, smiling weakly.

"I'd like tha-" You groaned as another pain shot through your stomach like a gunshot, rendering you immobile as you fell to your knees in agony.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong, (Y/N)? Speak to me!" His voice changed, becoming duller and more slurred. Your consciousness wavered in and out and your vision blurred until everything became black, and your hearing cut out with a foreboding finality.

When you regained consciousness, you found yourself under a pure white tree. Nostalgia hit you like a brick.

Or rather, a ball.

"S-sorry!" came a shout as a child, around the age of seven, ran to get his ball which had been thrown at you. You just smiled at him as you rubbed your forehead where you had been hit, and stood up slowly, wondering if this was just a dream.

"I'm... back," you muttered to yourself. You looked around the field, where people were laughing and smiling, and there wasn't a trace of sadness.

You were home.

"Ah, I thought you'd be awake by now," you heard. Angel was behind you, leaning on the bark of the tree with a small smile on his face. "I hope you don't mind me bringing you here."

"I don't mind at all," you breathed, still in awe. "How am I not... you know... dead?"

"I was originally going to bring you to the healing station here," he explained, "but as soon as I stepped foot in Heaven, you seemed like there was nothing wrong with you. You looked like you were sleeping peacefully, so I just brought you here. I remember that you liked this place... before you left at least."

"How would you know? I've never spoken to you before," you told him, a bit confused.

"I... well, I happen to pick up on a few things," he shrugged, sitting down beside you. You followed suit, bringing your knees to your chest as he sat cross-legged. "I see you a lot here, under this tree. I thought it would be fitting."

"So... does this mean that I'm not a fallen angel anymore?" you whispered, feeling a smile grow on your face; the first smile since you were cast down.

"Of course," he simply stated, putting a comforting arm around your shoulder as the angels around you continued to smile, looking perfectly happy. "You're home now."


Word count: 1076

First official one-shot after the new year!

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