Don't Play Games (Darkiplier X Shapeshifting!Reader)

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Suggested by: Belcher30.


Since you were young, you worked at the circus. Not that you wanted to; you were forced to by the Ringmaster.

After all, everyone's seen acrobats and strongmen. People were tired of elephants riding on balls and fire swallowers, trapeze artists and dancing bears in pink tutus. But no one, no one has ever seen a shapeshifter before.

Demon, some would call you. Others, possessed by the Devil himself. But they all knew of the wonders that you could do. You could transform into anything you wished, and they all loved you for it.

You, however, weren't so happy. You were barely fed and bullied by the other members of the circus. They hated all the attention that you stole from them. And therefore, you were treated the worst, although you made the most money for the circus.

This wasn't your choice. The ringmaster had kidnapped you, but you couldn't tell anyone. The circus members just laughed and said it was because you just wanted out, and whenever you tried telling the circus audience, your uncle just whacked you discreetly, making you shut up. Telling someone was out of the question, and you were alone with a stranger. You had been for the past seven years of your life.

One sunny day, you were stuck in your hotel room in LA. You were waiting for the time to get on stage, in around forty minutes.

"Oi, (Y/N)? C'mon, we gotta drive to the tent," Charlie, the ringmaster called, knocking on your door. You frowned, and got up from the bed you were lying on. After putting on a light sweater, you walked out the door, remembering to bring your keycard with you.

You were almost the last act. Save the best for last, to make sure the audience stays until the end. You barely heard an applause from behind the curtains, which showed how this circus was going. Downhill.

You were going to have to save that.

"And now! For our final act! You've all been waiting, folks! (Y/N) herself, The Shapeshifter!" That was when the crowd starting roaring. This was the moment they had been waiting for, for the entire show. This was your moment to take the spotlight. And it was dreadful. You absolutely despised it. There was no other way to word it, in fact. Yet here you were. Standing in front of children and adults alike, forced to show your powers for nothing more than a little income.

"How about a little puppy for the children out there, huh, (Y/N)?" Charlie asked, winking at you. You nodded, and closed your eyes.

"Woah!" There were gasps of awe from all the children, and some of the adults as well.

"So cute!" a woman gasped as you barked, forcing a happy tune.

"Now a tiger!" the ringmaster howled, loving the awestruck faces of the crowd before him. You changed as he wished. A Bengal tiger, then an Arctic fox, then a grizzly bear, then a red panda.

"Isn't (Y/N) a wonder?" Charlie called out. There were cheers and screams. You nodded your head, climbing up the wooden pole that the trapeze artists used. You surveyed the crowd, wanting to see a way out. Needing a way out. "Come on down here, (Y/N)! Let's give this amazing crowd a final show! Turn into a wolf!"

You slowly clambered back down the pole, and did as told. You kept your head down, though, as you realized you would never get out of here. You would be stuck here, and no one would even know what you were going through. The people in the crowd seemed to sense your sadness, and the crowd quieted.

"I think the shapeshifter is getting a bit tired," Charlie chuckled, making you glare at him. "Thank you everyone for coming!"

"Hold up." That wasn't Charlie's , nor yours. It was someone from the audience. A man stood up, fixing a clean, tight suit. He was staring at him with an expression that was a mixture of loathing, disgust and pure hatred.

"Yes, sir?" the man beside you said, a slight frown forming on his lips. You did nothing, just lie down with your paws covering your eyes.

"How about you change back into a human?"

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go on, (Y/N)," Charlie murmured, and you did your final transformation. You lay on the ground, rubbing your eyes.

"Now, come here," the stranger demanded quietly.

"Why should I do that, if I may ask?" Charlie was still trying to sound polite, even though you knew that he was getting impatient.

"Because I know how you treat (Y/N)!" he accused.

"And who are you again?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

The man in the audience straightened his maroon tie, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"My name is Darkiplier," he said, giving a wicked smile, "the Devil's advocate. And I've come to bring you to Hell for your sins."

At that moment, something flashed in Darkiplier's eyes, making Charlie back away in fear. Dark just smirked, and then the shadows from around the tent seemed to surround him, and there was a tap on your shoulder.

"Why do you stay with this monster?" Dark murmured in your ear, making you jump in surprise. "Turn into something small, and let us be done with this. I'll bring you to safety, (Y/N), away from this."

This, you did, with barely any hesitation. Transforming into a small mouse, you saw a large, calloused hand pick you up, and you were placed in the chest pocket of Dark's suit. There was a sound of metal scraping against metal, then a gurgle, and people screaming. Something wet landed on the back of your fur, but you couldn't tell what.

"Let's get this over with," he grumbled once the screaming faded, and you felt a rush of wind, and saw black.

You landed on the ground, turning back into a human with a pant. You saw that you were in a house, barely furnished, the walls a dark grey and the furniture black leather.

"What did you...?" you muttered as you craned your neck to see what had landed in your sweater, and you saw red.

"I slit his throat with a knife," Dark answered bluntly, "and I'll see him in Hell to repay for the sins he's committed."

"W-what?" you gasped.

"Relax, shapeshifter. You won't be staying here. My brother will be picking you up, which is the only reason I came to save you," he snapped, and fixed his suit. His head twitched to the side, and he sighed gruffly, looking mildly irritated at something. "You'll be safe, now. My brother, Light, will be picking you up soon. I will... see you again." With that, he walked into another room, leaving you alone.

At least I have a chance to make a new life, you thought to yourself, just as you saw a bright light appear by the couch.


Word count: 1162

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