Burning Regret (Fireplier X Male!Child!Reader)

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Suggested by: FandomKid02. (At least, that's what I wrote down before, but I think you changed your username, so I can't find it anymore.)


What did you remember from that night?

Not much.

There was a loud bang.

So loud it made your ears ring for hours afterwards.

There was smoke.

A lot of it.

There were flames, jumping and leaping into the dark night sky.

A juxtaposed feeling between hot and cold.

Between the flames and the burning night, and the cold, ice and snow as you lay, helpless, in the snow bank.

The smell of burning flesh and leather.

And just a few feet in front of you, were your parents. Eyeing the front of the road blankly, as dead as corpses came.

A few minutes later, a man picked you up. He whispered quiet nothings in your ear as he stared at the car. Then he punched in a number on his phone, and that was all you remembered as he spoke to the police.

You were three.

And now, at your age? It was a blur that you didn't care to remember. All you needed to know was that your adoptive father that went by the name Fireplier, was not actually your father, but took you in nonetheless, and cared for you to the best of his abilities.

And today was the day you had watched your parents die in front of your eyes.

"Hey, buddy," Fire sighed, walking into your room. He gazed around for a few seconds, staring at the light grey walls in your room. "Uh... so, about today...."

"I don't want to go," you pouted, turning your head and looking out the window.

"I know, buddy, but don't you just want to see them? It'll help, I promise." You didn't reply, just close your eyes. You heard a long intake and outtake of breath from your adoptive father, and then something sit on the edge of your bed.

"I'll take you out for ice cream after. I'm sure your parents would like it. Look, I know. I didn't know them personally, but I'm sure they were great people."

"I don't want to go," you just repeated. Fire stayed silent, and all you heard was the quiet breathing of the man, unsure of what to do.

"Just say goodbye to them. Last time, I promise," he whispered. You hesitated, and it looked like Fire had given up. He took a last sigh, and stood up.


"Hm, bud?" he asked, as you sat up and ran your fingers through your messy hair.

"Alright. I'll go. But you're getting me ice cream afterwards," you amended. Your dad gave you a soft smile, and led you to the car.

"Here." Fire handed you a bouquet of roses, which you took from his hands and replaced with the withered ones on the gravestone. You read the names, and closed your eyes, feeling tears come to your eyes. You didn't want this.

"It's not your fault, buddy," he whispered in your ear, hugging you. "You're such a strong man, dealing with this so well."

You just wrapped your arms around him, still looking at the grey stone in front of you.

"Bye, mom and dad," you choked out. "Let's go." You didn't want the water in your eyes to overflow.

"Alright," he nodded, and you went back to the car. As he drove off, you couldn't help but glance at the graves one last time, and you heard a quiet,

"Happy birthday, birthday boy."


Word count: 528

Shorter today. Sorry.

Hey, if this wasn't sad for you, here's something I was thinking about putting into it. (This isn't actually what happened, but I was debating for it to.) Fire was the one that killed your parents. He was in his car, speeding, and rammed into yours, killing your parents. Then I didn't like that, because I like Fire, so I changed it. Plus the whole "accidental murder" and "going to jail" and "adopting the kid of the adults you just killed" sort of thing.

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