Quarrels (Multiple X Sibling!Reader)

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Suggested by: Ivyyyy_.

This includes Angeliplier, which I know not all of you know about. He's basically (non-canon) Lightiplier's (Older?) brother, and I saw him in a few other fanfictions that I really like, which is why I'm including him in here. If you don't think he's a thing or should be a thing, just remember that you can literally put any noun in the English dictionary in front of the word "iplier", and he's a non-canon alter ego. Haters.

Angeliplier = angel version of Demoniplier

Lightiplier = angel version of Darkiplier

That's how my mind works it out.

Part two to "Arguments".


It's been a few weeks. A few quiet, peaceful weeks, after you had screamed at your brothers to shut up. They even started to act nicer around each other. Around you, at least. It was nice, and you savoured every minute of it. After all, it was nice when you didn't have two opposite ends of Heaven and Hell screaming at each other right in front of you. But then something happened.

Angeliplier decided to stay over.

As soon as Dark heard the news from Light, he instantly became sour, staying up in his room for long periods of time. You wondered why. Angel was only staying for a few days, since something wrong had happened with him and Google, whom he was staying with.

After your second day in, with you barely seeing the demon, you asked Light what was wrong.

He gave a simple shrug. "Dark and Angel hasn't had the best past. Something happened between them, something that had to do with Anti," he answered vaguely, and you didn't know whether it was because he didn't know or he didn't want you to know. You just nodded, not quite satisfied with the answer you got, but knowing you'd have to deal with it anyways.

So you walked up to Dark's room, and knocked on the door quietly.

"Who is it?" he asked from behind the door, sounding muffled and gruff.

"(Y/N)," you answered. There was a sigh, and the door squeaked open.

"Hey," he grunted, looking down at you with an irritated expression.

"Hi, Dark. I know it's rough having Angel around," you said, "but can you please just deal with him? Just for the rest of the week. We're practically half way through."

"He's staying for another six days," he shot back roughly.

"Well, I said practically," you pointed out. He sighed, his head twitching slightly.

"I don't know if I can do what you ask, (Y/N)," he admitted.

"Please? Just try. Then you won't have to see him again," you pleaded. He took a long breath, looking down. After a few seconds of closed eyes and heavy breathing, he raised his head again.

"Fine. Six days, then I'm beating his ass back to Heaven," he snapped, and walked out of the room.

"Fine by me," you shrugged as you saw him walk down the stairs, and then you followed him.

"Hello, Darkiplier," Angeliplier greeted, holding a cup of water. Dark nodded stiffly, grabbing his mug and pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"So, what happened with Google?" you asked Angel.

"There was a... small malfunction with his scanners. It's a brief fix, but there might be some problems," he answered, taking a sip. You nodded, grabbing an apple and taking a bite. Light just sat on top of the counter, watching the conversation with hesitation.

"How have you been lately, living with Light and (Y/N)?" the older Angel asked pleasantly, looking at Dark.

"I've been just fine, Angel. Thank you for asking." He did not sound grateful. You could practically see the smoke coming from his ears.

"I'm just looking out for my little brother. And how is Anti?"

"OH, LIKE YOU CARE!" Dark suddenly exploded, and you and Angel stepped back from the sudden outburst. Light almost fell of the countertop, but stabilized himself just in time.

"Dark, what are you talking about? Of course I ca-"

"No, you don't! You were the one that gave him the stupid scar, and even better, angels like you are "too good to have emotions"! You don't even care!" he seethed.

"I care, Darkiplier. Of course I do. I didn't mean to hurt Anti when we got into an argument." Angel's light skin paled even more, and he looked uncomfortable.

"Whatever. Don't go lying to me about that bullcrap," Dark snapped, waving a hand at the older angel and storming away with the mug of coffee still gripped tightly in his hand. "At least I don't go strutting around shouting for Google to be killed when something went wrong with him! And I thought demons were supposed to be heartless!"

"Dark, wait," you tried to say, but he already left, leaving coffee spills in his wake. You sighed, glaring back at the two angels, then running after your other brother.

"Dark, hold up. Wait!" you called, but he just stared harshly at you, and slammed the door to his bedroom. You frowned angrily, huffing.

"I have a feeling my presence here isn't appreciated," Angel muttered from behind you.

"No kidding," you snapped, pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance. "What did you do to the guy, anyways?"

"Anti... Anti and I, we got into a fight. It was about Bingsepticeye. There was... an incident, and I, stupidly, asked for him to be decommissioned." He winced, and and took a heavy breath, as if the memory pained him. "Anti didn't appreciate that, to say the least, and he started arguing, and screaming. It eventually got to the point where he threw the first punch, and I had no other choice but to defend myself. It ended with a broken arm and a few broken ribs, and Dark had him stay here, in this house. My brother has been holding a grudge against me since."

"Why did you... ugh, never mind," you sighed, rubbing your temples. "Be a good angel and get me painkillers, I think I have a headache."

He nodded, walking back down the stairs. You looked back at Dark's door, and quietly knocked.

"Dark, bro? You... wanna talk, or something?"

"I'm not quite in the mood at the moment, (Y/N), nor do I think I ever will be. How about you just go away, and I'll be out of my room when Angel leaves?" he suggested.

"You gotta come out one day," you insisted.

"No, I don't. I'm a demon," was his only gruff answer. You rolled your eyes at his stubbornness, then leaned against the doorframe.

"Please, Dark? He's your brother."

"He may be my brother, but he's not my friend," he snapped. "I'm allowed to keep grudges, I'm not a stupid angel."

"He didn't know, Dark," you kept saying, trying to get him out of his room. "Why can't you forgive him? And don't go blabbing to me about being a demon, because I know for a fact that demons are capable of remorse and compassion. I live with you, you know."

"I realize. I'm painfully reminded of it every day. Scram!" came his response, and from the other side of the door came a loud bang! and you jumped back, startled, as he hit the door to make you run.

"Fine. Come out when you finally get over your big ego," you growled, done with trying to help Dark, and you walked away, grabbing the pills out of Angel's open hand, who was gaping at you on the stairs. You went to your room, where you stayed for the rest of the day, not wanting to deal with anyone in your family.


Word count: 1163

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