Chapter 16.

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Anna and Greg were closer than ever since they made up the day after her birthday,we were on Thanksgiving break and Anna decided to go with Greg for his family trip which means we won't be spending the week doing nothing but watching holiday movies.I sat on the couch flipping through the TV when my dad walked in from the garage with a confused look on his face.

"What's wrong dad"

"Nothing,just this TV i thought i had everything programed already,my favorite chanels and stuff and it's all gone"I breathed in deep trying to avoid eye contact.

"You know how TV's are,like computers they always mess up"

"Ya i guess,so you ready for the family to come into town"

"I don't know about that,who all's coming"

"You know your aunt Morgan and Uncle Stanley"

"So pretty much mom's family"

"Yep and your grandma is coming in"

"Grandma as in your mom"

"Yep she's decided to take a plane for the first time,she's scared"

"I bet but i'm glad she's coming even though she hates mom's family"

"I know at least she like's your mother,so i'm heading out to meet your mom at the store so i'll be back later"I nodded ok and he grabbed the keys before walking out and leaving me to sigh of realive that he still doesn't know about the TV.I heard my phone ring and got up reluctantly to get it and smiled when i saw Oliver's picture.

"Hello,my dad is getting closer to finding out about the TV,half of my family is coming into town and for the first time in year's i'm not spending the week watching holiday movies with Anna,hows your day going"

"Well better than yours,my cousins in town,you remember Austin right"

"Ya he stayed that summer with you in freshman year,what's he doing in town"

"He's just spending time with his parent's while he's home for college,and torturing me"

"I thought you liked Austin"

"I do but he's being an ass,him and his girlfriend broke up so whatever i'll deal,but since Anna isn't here to watch movies with you,you can watch some with me"I smiled,grabbing a banana and peeling it open slowly.

"That sound's great,so are you doing anything today"

"My mom is making me go to the store with her to get thanksgiving dinner"

"Sound's great"

"Oh ya it's exactly how i wanted to spend one of my days off,but when i'm done me and you can hang out"

"I can't i'm meeting up with Tom,you can come if you want"

"What are you doing"

"I don't know but his family is already in town and just needs to get out of the house"

"Ok ya just tell me when,i have to go my moms yelling at me"

"Ok,i'll text you later"He said bye and i hung up my phone and started eating my banana before Tiffany walked downstairs looking miserable.

"What's wrong"

"I think i'm getting the flu"

"Well stay away from me i can't get sick"She frowned at me before laying on the couch and wrapping a blanket around her.

"Do you want anything"


"I don't think we have flu medicine"

I Don't Want to be Anything But Me.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora