Chapter 2.

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"Do you have your calculator,and your lunch money oh and grab a jacket you never know which classrooms are freezing"

"Mom i've got everything i need i'll be fine besides Tori will be there"She looked over at me and i couldn't help but smile,she was sad that both of her daughters were growing up,she told me she cried on my first day of high school and it looks like she'll be doing that again.

"She'll be fine i promise now we better go we're picking up Oliver"

"Ok have a good day,call if you need anything"She gave her a long hug before we walked out to the car.

"Was she like this with you"I backed out and nodded yes.I could tell she was nervous i can't really blame her this could either be some of the best times of her life or it could be pure hell,luckily i had Oliver and a few other friends when i got to high school and she has friends to so i'm sure she'll be fine.We pulled up to Oliver's house where he was sitting on the sidewalk waiting for us.

"It's about time"He got in the back seat and flashed a grin at Tiffany who blushed.He reached up and turned the radio on cutting it to a station that didn't play country so Tiffany didn't have to suffer and sang along to Katy Perry,Oliver singing the loudest trying to calm Tiffany down or make her laugh because she was having a panic attack.I pulled into the parking lot and looked over to her grabbing her shoulders and telling her to breathe.

"You'll be fine i promise,i'm going to be here text me and i will walk out of class and find you ok"

"OK,i'm fine just give me a minute"We sat in silence a minute more before she breathed in deeply and opened her door.I waved to the some of my friends but was focused on how Tiffany was doing,when she found some of her friends who were also freaking out it calmed her down a little.I took her last week to show her where all her classes were so she knew where to go,i made sure she would be ok without me and walked in after Oliver who was saying hi to Thomas Greg and Anna.

"Oh my god Tori"She gave me a hug,i hugged back and she stepped back to look at me.

"Your tan"

"Yes i am"

"I leave for one summer and you actually get a tan it's like a miracle"I pushed her shoulder and greeted Tom and Greg before the bell rang and we said bye planning to meet at lunch.I followed Oliver up to homeroom,both our last names started with a R so we were in the same one.I sat at a table with Molly and Rob and waited for the annoucment's to start.

"Tori"I turned around almost knocking someone over with my lunch tray and smiled when i saw Tiffany and her friend Georgia walking over.

"Hows your day going"

"Great i have friends in all my classes so far,i know you said you wanted me to sit with you at lunch but every ones hanging out over there so is it ok if i just meet you after school"

"Of course,i'm glad your having a good day"She smiled at me before turning around and the two of them skipped off towards there group.I walked outside and saw Greg and Tom sitting at a table under one of the big trees and sat down opposite them.

"Good Tori so who do you think Courtney would go for first me or Greg"I opened my apple juice and took a long sip while looking back and fourth at both of them.

"I just can't decide,why don't you ask her yourself there she is"I started raising my hand to wave her over but felt someone grab it.I turned around and Oliver had a hold of my arm and sat down next to me.

"Lets not embarrass them on the first day of school"I fake pouted before starting my lunch as they went on a long conversation about football until Anna finally made her way over to us.

"Finally where were you"She had an angry look on her face as she flipped her hair out of the way trying to calm down.

"What happened"

"Courtney Appleby got in front of me in line,got the last orange and then stepped on my foot with her stiletto,who the hell in there right mind wears stilettos to school"I looked down at her feet to see she was wearing flip flops and could see exactly where Courtney's shoe hit.

"It's bruising"She looked down at her foot and it almost sounded like a growl came out of her throat.

"So you didn't get lunch"

"No i did not"I handed her my apple and pushed my chips her way and she thanked me before taking a huge bite out of the apple.

"Seriously it was so much better than i thought it would be,I still can't believe Brittany cut all her hair off"I listened to Tiffany ramble on about her first successful day of school in the back seat while Oliver was staring down at his phone texting furiously.

"Hello Oliver"He looked up quickly before looking back down.


"Who are you talking to"


"What about"

"Courtney Appleby just asked Greg out"Luckily we were at a stop sign because i hit the breaks causing the car to skid.

"What the hell are you talking about"

"She just went up to him in the parking lot after we left and in all her Courtney glory asked him out"I pulled forward driving slower than i had been and waited to hear more but he said nothing.We pulled up to my house,he was helping my dad fix up the garage for a man cave starting today.

"So i'm guessing he said yes"

"It's Courtney Appleby of course he said yes"

"Who's Courtney Appleby"He looked back at Tiffany like she was stupid and i sighed.

"She's the blonde bitch who's in our grade,always has her perfect blonde hair straight as a pin or in perfect curls and wears high heels every day even if it's snowing,she only wears designer clothes and oh ya the expression on her face looks like she has a stick shoved up her ass twenty four seven"Tiffany laughed at that,so did Oliver and we got out of the car,i grabbed his phone and read the messages.She has to be up to something i mean Greg is nowhere near ugly but she's never talked to any of us,i will get to the bottom of this.

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