Chapter 15.

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"Tom come on why won't you just tell me already"

"Because you want me to"I scowled at him ready to jump on top of him,i may be small but I could take him.

"It's nothing ok"

"What is his name"

"How do you know it's about a guy"

"Because i just do"

"Well if you just do then why are you asking"That was it,it was time for my secret weapon.

"Fine if you won't tell me i'll just have to do this"I started tickling his stomach which caused him to laugh uncontrollably until he finally had enough and said ok,we were sitting in the floor at Oliver's house,Oliver down stairs talking to his mom about something.

"It's not a guy"

"Is it a girl"


"Then what,what are your plans tonight that are so secret you can't tell me"

"Can i not have one personal thing,just one secret to myself"

"Not when i'm your best friend"I gave him a toothy grin and he sighed pushing his hair out of his face.

"I am having dinner with someone tonight but it's not a date,i finally came out to my mom last night"

"Are you serious,how did she take it"

"She was fine,she was happy that i told her so she's taking us out just the two of us so we can talk"I smiled as he wrapped his arm around me and we sat there,i was about to fall asleep till Oliver walked in.

"Should i be jealous"I looked up and rolled my eyes before hopping up and giving him a kiss.

"I'll take that as a no,so dude you really aren't hanging out tonight"

"No i have to get going but you two have fun,but not to much fun"He pointed at us knowingly before walking out the door to his car.

"So did you get it out of him"

"No he wouldn't crack,so what are we doing tonight"

"I don't know you want to have some of the fun Tom was talking about"I put my hand on his chest and leaned up to kiss him quickly before sitting on his bed and grabbing his laptop.

"What are you doing"

"Checking facebook"I logged in and saw that Anna was having a fight with Greg on her wall and rolled my eyes.


"Anna and Greg fighting over facebook"

"Who does that"

"I don't know,so you want to watch a movie"

"I'm sick of movies"I looked at him appalled.

"How could you be sick of movies"

"Because we've seen everything,eighties movies done,ninety's movies done and the past ten years done and done again"

"Ok we have not watched that many movies"

"Well it feels like it"

"Ok fine then what do you want to do"He was laying down beside me so he reached over and pulled me down so i was hovering over him,his lips landing on mine.Our lips moved rhythmically for at least ten minutes before i pulled away and sat up sitting next to him.

"What's wrong"

"I don't know i just think if we go to far i'll regret it"

"I'm not pressuring you into anything you don't want to do,ever ok"

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