Chapter 4.

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I don't know if anyone saw that i accidentally posted a chapter way ahead of this one last night,just ignore it if you did but i deleted it pretty fast,anyway's thanks for reading!


We've been in school for two weeks now,Tiffany tried out for cheer leading and made it on the JV team.Anna has done everything she can not to kill Courtney because Greg and her are officially together the only time i really see Oliver is when i pick him up in the morning and when he hangs out with my dad after school because of Haley so i've been spending more time with Tom and Anna which is great but i miss having Oliver there whenever i want,and Greg but mostly Oliver.I was at lunch,Anna sitting next to me and Tom across from us talking about the football game tonight.

"Do we have to go"I bit into my apple and glared at Anna.

"I have to go because of Tiffany so yes you have to go with me"

"But Courtney is a cheerleader which means Greg will be there which means i might hurt someone"

"Please calm down,everything will be fine me and Tom will be there right Tom"I looked over at him and he was looking down at his food avoiding my stare.

"You are going right Tom"

"I hate football"

"Says the guy who watches every packers game"

"I mean i hate high school football it sucks it's not the same as the pros"

"I don't care you two are coming tonight unless your seriously ill and if you are i want to see your doctor"

"Fine but your buying me chili fries"

"Fine"We didn't talk much until the bell rang and i headed towards last period ready to get home for the day.I heard someone yelling my name and turned around to see Oliver running towards me.

"Hey whats up"

"Are you going to the game tonight"

"Ya with Anna and Tom why"

"I thought we could go together"

"Aren't you hanging out with Haley"

"She's a cheerleader remember"

"Right,well ya sure"

"Ok good,i'll see you after school"I waved bye to him as he started running down the stairs to his class.

"Come on Tori this sucks"

"I know but if i leave my mom is going to kill me,she's right there"I look over at Anna whining and Tom who is actually enjoying the game,Oliver ditched us to go see Haley which didn't surprise me and Greg is in the front row watching Courtney.

"Besides Tom's having fun,right Tom"He looked up briefly before waving a hand at me and watching the game again yelling when they fumbled the ball.It was half time so i went to get Tom his Fries that i promised and saw Oliver talking to Haley.I was going to say hi to them both,i think that if there going to be together than i should try and get to know her but i realized they were fighting.I know it's wrong to listen to private conversations but they were yelling so i stood in line and listened as closely as i could.

"I've been blowing off my friends to hang out with you and your friends why can't you do the same thing"

"I'm sorry if i don't want to hang out where i'm not welcome besides do you really want me to interrupt your alone time with Tori"I heard my name and listened closer.

"What the hell are you talking about"

"You know exactly what i'm talking about,the reason you hesitated before going out with me it's so fucking obvious Oliver"

"Me and Tori are friends ok that's it nothing will ever happen between us ok just please try,for me"Right then i felt a pang of hurt in my chest.I ordered the fries and ignored the rest of their conversation,i should've never listened in.I sat down in between Anna and Tom,the game had started back up and i handed him the fries.

"Tori what's wrong"

"Nothing i'm just tired"I felt her stare at me and grabbed a fry trying to ignore her look and she went back to watching the game.

The game ended and i went to meet up with Tiffany and my parents.Tom took Anna home so she could leave as soon as possible.

"Oh sweety you were great"

"Mom i tripped"

"Really i didn't notice"

"You really were great Tiffany"She saw me and smiled.


"Yes,i'm heading home are you guys going to eat"

"Ya i thought you and Oliver was coming with us"

"Oh ya,i haven't seen him,i'll text him but i'm exhausted"

"Ok we'll see you when we get home"I smiled at them before making my way towards the parking lot and when i got to my car i sat there.I texted him quickly asking if he still wanted a ride home and got a reply immediately saying he'd be here in a minute.I flipped the radio on and sighed,i don't know why what he said upset me but i really didn't want to focus on that because he would be here any minute.He got in on the passenger side and said hey buckling his seat belt.

"Sorry i was with Haley most the time we kind of got in a fight"I glanced at him as i focused on trying to get out of the parking lot of traffic.

"What about,if you don't mind me asking"

"No it's just i hang out with her friends and i just don't see why she can't try and get to know you guys"

"Well it's ok if she doesn't me Anna and Tom have been spending a ton of time together,did you know Tom actually doesn't straighten his hair"He laughed at that and i smiled not really wanting to show that i was upset.

"Are you ok"I glanced at him while i pulled to the curb next to his house.

"I'm fine,tired i really didn't want to go tonight"

"Ok well i'm hanging out with Haley tomorrow and she said it would be cool if you wanted to come to"I sighed not knowing what to say.

"I don't know Oliver"

"Come on,for me please"I looked at him and he gave me that smile that i just can't say no to.

"Fine,what time"

"Around one,Greg and Courtney will be there"

"So i'll be the fifth wheel"

"No i already asked Tom to come,Anna said she would come to as long as you did"

"Ok well that sounds fine just text me tomorrow where"

"Ok,i'll see you tomorrow"He reached over and gave me a hug before getting out and walking up the steps to his house.I drove off towards my house and knew that tomorrow was not going to go as good as he hopes it will.

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