Chapter 3.

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Kinda short,thanks for reading :)


I made sandwiches for me Tiffany my dad and Oliver and set the two aside while Oliver and my dad started clearing out the space.Because my dad didn't have a son he sees Oliver as one,it helps that Oliver's dad and my dad are best friends so on the weekends hes going to help them.I ate the Pb and j silently waiting for Anna to text me back.She has to be furious,she likes Greg but she just couldn't bring herself to tell him although i'm almost positive he knows so when she finds out that he's going out with Courtney she's going to be even more angry than she was at lunch.

"I'm gonna go call Georgia"I nodded ok and watched her walk upstairs towards her room and heard a phone buzz,i looked down and saw it wasn't mine and saw Oliver's sitting on the coffee table.I got up and grabbed it reading it without thinking because i always do and was shocked with what i read.I walked into the garage and saw them sitting on the old couch doing absolutely nothing.

"I thought we were cleaning the garage not sitting around doing nothing"My dad smiled at the plate in my hand and grabbed a sandwich taking a huge bite.

"Tom texted you,i opened it,reflex sorry"I handed him the phone and the plate before walking out confused.I sat in front of the TV turning it on and flipping through the channels not caring what was on and left it on fantasy factory before i saw Oliver enter the room with a half smile on his face.

"So i guess the cat's out of the bag"

"Your dating Haley"

"Yes,i was going to tell you"

"How long"

"A little over a month"

"But i've spent like every day with you the past month when did you have time to see her"

"I found time,i'm sorry i didn't tell you"

"It's ok but why didn't you"

"I don't know it's just"He looked at me like i should know something but i just stared at him confused.

"It's nothing,i didn't know if we were going to last,i still don't so that's why i didn't say anything"I nodded and we sat there silent.

"So Haley"


"She's really pretty"

"Ya she is"

"Like really pretty"

"Are you implying that she's out of my league"

"No she's not she just doesn't really seem like your type"

"What's my type ugly"I scowled and threw a pillow at him.

"You know what i mean she just doesn't seem like the type to like a funny smart guy,more like the type to date a guy just because of his muscles"

"I have muscles"He lifted his arms up and flexed a little and i laughed,he had no upper body strength unless he's been working out in his spare time to.

"Well i'm going to watch TV why don't you go see what my dad is doing because i heard the saw and that can't be anything good"He got up and ran back to the garage making sure to take his phone this time.I sat and stared at the TV making myself focus on nothing but rob dyrdek and his craziness for half an hour before i got up and checked my phone,i had three texts all from Anna and called her immediately.

"What the fuck is going on"

"I don't know,Courtney asked Greg out"

"I know he's called me gloating about it,who the hell does that"

"I'm sorry Anna,look we'll get to the bottom of it ok"I heard her sigh as i walked the hall to my room shutting my door quietly and listened to her rant about how much she hated people.

"I know i hate people to but Greg is just excited i mean he hasn't had a girlfriend well ever i think"

"Yes he has middle school"

"Well still he's excited to go on a date,you shouldn't think anything else of it ok"

"Ok,but i swear if that bitch hurts him i will kick her fake ass into the ground"I laughed and we got off the phone.I heard my mom yell she was home so i went to the kitchen where she was sitting down two pizza boxes which made me smile.


"Yes i thought you guys could use it,how was your first day"

"It was great"I heard Tiffany skipping down the stairs and when she saw the pizza she practically ran towards it and stuffed a piece in her mouth.

"Hey mom"Her mouth was full but talked anyways and my mom frowned at her.

"How was your day"She sat the piece down and sat on a stool across from her and started telling her all about it.I grabbed a piece and listened for the second time today until she was finally finished and shoving more pizza in her mouth.

"So wheres your dad"

"The garage with Oliver"

"Well can you go get him,ask Oliver if he wants to stay"I nodded and headed towards the garage and found them painting a table dark green.

"Mom got pizza,Oliver are you staying"

"I can't my moms probably waiting for me but i'll see you in the morning"I nodded and he walked past me saying bye to my dad.

"So you and Oliver,when are you going to profess your love to each other"I looked at him with a horrid look on my face i'm sure.

"What on earth are you talking about"

"I may be an old man Tori but i'm not blind just yet"

"A. your not old and B. you are blind you just refuse to believe so and C. there's nothing going on with me and Oliver and i'd appreciate if you didn't say anything like that to him"

"I already did"My dad has the tendency to talk before thinking and he looked up at me instantly regretting he had told me.

"What did he say"He put the paint brush up and wipped his hands in a rag and shook his head.

"Nothing,lets go eat i'm starving"He walked passed me and i heard him greet my mom,what did Oliver say that he didn't want me to know about.

I Don't Want to be Anything But Me.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz