Chapter 10.

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Thanks for reading!


I laid on the couch and listened to the music blaring from the garage,the man cave is officially done which means i had to listen to old music all day and was about to go and knock the stereo over and letting it break into pieces.Finally they turned it down and my dad Jimmy and Oliver walked out of the garage all laughing at who know's what,my dad grabbed a beer for himself and Jimmy and i felt Oliver's eyes on me.I ignored it and put my eye's on the television and realized i was watching Dr.Phil.

"Tori why are you watching that"

"I don't know i wasn't paying attention to it,so the garage is done"

"Yes it is,i think we did a great job why don't you go check it out"I got up and stretched slowly before walking in the now furnished room,a used couch that my dad has had since he moved out on his own after high school but the TV is big and new.There's a ping pong table and a mini fridge which i'm sure is filled with beer,they're not drunks but they drink when a game is on and then there was a small space that was empty they probably didn't know what else to add.I felt someone walk in the room and when i turned around Oliver was right in front me maybe a foot away.


"Hi"I looked down avoiding eye contact suddenly nervous.

"You want to get out of here"

"Ya sure,let me get dressed"He nodded and i passed him quickly and went to my room shutting my door and digging through my dresser.I pulled my favorite pair of jeans and a random shirt out of my closet and got dressed quickly,i pulled my boots on and gave myself a look in the mirror,i had put on makeup earlier today along with doing my hair so i smiled and grabbed my jacket walking to the kitchen.

"Where are you two going today"

"Not sure,we were thinking about meeting up with Tom at the skate park"

"Well have fun,here's some money for gas i know your car is low"I grabbed the money out of his hand and thanked him before following Oliver out to my car and getting in the driver's seat.

"Are we really going to the skate park"

"No,we can go see that movie if you want"

"Sure,what movie"

"Men in black 3"I glared at him and he laughed.

"Dark shadows"

"Ok much better"I backed out of the driveway and headed towards the closest theater,he got the tickets while i got the popcorn and drinks before sitting down in the middle of the empty theater.

"Looks like were all alone"

"There's still ten minutes for people to show up"I ate popcorn silently but felt his eyes on me.


"What"He smiled and grabbed a handful of popcorn.

"Why are you staring at me"

"I don't know i'm not allowed to stare"

"No it's kinda creepy"

"Fine i'll try not to,i have a question"


"About that kiss last night,i was thinking"People started coming in as the light's dimmed so i put my finger to my lips telling him to be quiet,he stared at the screen as the movie started.It had to be halfway over when his hand grabbed onto mine,it's like the biggest cliche ever to do the hand move or the arm over the shoulder but i didn't mind.By the time the movie was over we had eaten half the tub of popcorn and were out of drink.He didn't let go of my hand as we walked out of the theater and it was still daylight outside.Every time i see a movie in theater's i expect to come out and it to be dark but it was only a little past five.

"So you want to get something to eat"

"We just ate a ton of popcorn"


"Your still hungry"

"Yes i am,i want a milkshake"I nodded ok and he lead the way to my car,i let him drive.We stopped to fill up the car before driving around tasty freeze and getting two chocolate milkshakes.

"So this was fun"

"Ya,but it was awkward"

"I know,i don't want it to be we've been best friend's since we were four it shouldn't be awkward"

"Well then what do we do"He smiled and leaned over putting his lips on mine,i kissed back but pulled away after a minute.

"What's wrong"

"Nothing but i don't want to just make out"

"I know me either but can we make out sometimes"He gave me an innocent smile and i just rolled my eyes at him and tried to drink my frozen milkshake.

"Maybe later"

"Ok i'll accept that"I turned the radio on and Taylor Swift came on,i turned it up louder and Oliver groaned trying to turn it off.I grabbed his hand and started singing.

"You belong with meeee,you belong with me"He put his hands over his ears while i sang the song,he hate's Taylor Swift but i love her so i make him suffer.I did some weird dancing the best i could in the car before the song finished and he moved his hands turning down the radio.

"You hate me don't you"

"Nope,are you ready to head home"

"Only if i'm not forced to listen to more Taylor Swift"

"I can't make a promise like that"He sighed and pulled out of the parking lot and driving towards my house.We got there and saw that his dad was still here.

"Well aside from Taylor Swift i think we should do this again,possibly tomorrow"

"I don't know i have to study"


"Nope,but no movies we've seen everything that's out"

"Fine i'll think of something,so about earlier can i kiss you now"I opened my door and got out walking to my front door and waited for him to follow.I looked up at him,i never noticed how much taller he was than me.I reached up and put my lips on his,he leaned down so i wasn't on my tip toes and we stayed like that for a few minutes until the front door opened,we separated as quickly as possible but Tiffany was standing there smiling.

"Hey you guys,have a good day"

"Ya it was great,i'll see you tomorrow"

"Ok but my dad is still in there and he's my ride"I looked at the both of them awkwardly and went inside and to the kitchen where my mom was standing beside the stove cooking something.Me and Oliver avoided each other the rest of the night in hopes that Tiffany didn't say anything until him and his dad left.

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