Chapter 12

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"Noah I need to talk to you alone." Ethan said pulling Noah harshly to the side.

Noah was startled by Ethan's actions, "Oh um sure Ethan."

Ethan held out his palm and demanded, "Grayson's phone, now."

Noah knew that Ethan never liked him but right now he just hoped Ethan wasn't demanding for Grayson's for the reason he's assuming. He was aware of how close the brothers were and he was sure that Grayson had told Ethan about that annoying girl.

"Noah, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to give me my brother's phone." Ethan demanded, louder this time.

Noah had no right to deny Ethan's demand, he was Grayson's brother after all. So he grudgingly handed him Grayson's phone.

Ethan checked Grayson's call history and saw that it was empty. Of course the son of a bitch deleted all the incoming numbers.

Ethan gave Noah and death look to which Noah couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Why is Grayson's call log deleted? There's not a single number in his call history which means someone has deleted it and seeing as how you have Grayson's phone and are always by his side like the annoying leech you are, I'm assuming you deleted everything." Ethan accused.

Noah was now getting pissed, "Watch your tone Ethan, I'm the one who has to look after your druggy brother and clean up his mess—" Ethan punched Noah and Noah hit the floor.

Ethan was stopped by his dad, "Ethan what the hell do you think you're doing?"

He ignored his dad, "Don't you dare talk about my brother like that you son of a bitch and I know what you're trying to do. You're keeping Samara away from Grayson but you know what I'm not gonna let that happen. She may be the one good thing in my brother's life and I'm not gonna let you take that away from him."

And with that Ethan stormed out of the hospital.


It had been two weeks now, Grayson was discharged from the hospital and he had been taking it easy the past two weeks. He had his physiotherapist help him how to walk everyday since the attackers also fractured both of his legs.

Grayson was happy with his recovery but was disappointed that there has still been no sign of Samara yet.

Also there was something off about Ethan. Ethan didn't spend a lot of time home, in fact he wasn't telling him something. Grayson also noticed the tension between Ethan and Noah. He knew they never really liked each other.


Samara had stopped calling. She had even gone to Grayson's penthouse but the security told her that he wasn't in the country.

So now she had lost all hope.

Meanwhile she had gotten a job as a waitress at a local restaurant. Today was her first day at work.

As she was getting ready, she heard to doorbell ring. Jason had gone to work so she had to answer the door herself.

She went downstairs and opened the door.

It was a young man, around her age. But that wasn't what surprised her, it was the fact that this man looked a lot like Grayson.

"You must be Samara." The man said

"Um who are you and how do you know me?" Samara asked, weirded out by the stranger

"I'm Ethan Dolan. I'm Grayson's twin brother." Ethan introduced

The second she heard Grayson's name, Samara was about to angrily shut the door but it was blocked by Ethan's leg.

"Woah woah listen. Hey I know you're mad okay but please just let me explain. Do you have any idea how hard it was to look for you!"

Samara angrily opened the door, "What do you want? Hasn't your brother done enough damage!"

"I know it looks bad but its not what you think. Grayson was attacked by a bunch of goons a month ago. His head was severely injured and both his legs were fractures. He was in the ICU all these weeks, he got discharged from the hospital a week ago." Ethan explained

Samara's facial expression went from angry to concerned real quick, "Oh my god! Is he okay? Where is he?"

"He's fine now. He's at home, can you please let me in?" Ethan asked

Samara nodded and lead him to the living room.

They both sat on the couch and Ethan explained further.

"I know you were trying to call him all these weeks but his asshole of a manager kept declining your calls since Grayson's phone was with him."

Samara recalled the second time she tried calling Grayson and someone else answered the phone saying he was in Australia.

"But why would he do that?" She asked

"Noah thinks you're distracting Grayson, he feels that instead of focusing on making himself better, Grayson is putting all his efforts in making you successful."

Samara didn't know what to respond, maybe Noah was right. Ethan noticed Samara's sudden change in demeanour, "But hey you know what I think?"

"What?" she asked

"I think that you might be the one good thing in Grayson's life. If Grayson thinks that you're worth all the trouble, then I trust my brother's choice." Ethan smiled

Samara blushed at his words.

"So ready to meet Grayson?"

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