Chapter 32

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Hey guys! I'm back!

Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I was having my university finals and it was super stressful!

But now that my exams are over, I can finally update so here's a new chapter!

Grayson couldn't sleep.

How could he asleep knowing that the love of his life had cried herself to sleep on the couch?

He had spent the whole night wide awake listening to her cries and feeling his heart crush.

Eventually the cries stopped and he realized she probably fell asleep on the couch. He really wanted to go to her and pull her in his arms but he didn't because he couldn't bear to look at her tears knowing that he is the reason behind it.

How easily she had said that they would go somewhere far away from here? And how easily she had assumed that he would just let her throw her life away for him?

Grayson wasn't going to let do anything like that.

He wasn't worth it.

He couldn't let their son grow up thinking how his mom had sacrificed everything for a man who wasn't worthy of her love and sacrifice. He couldn't let their son grow up thinking how his dad is nothing but a waste of space.

Grayson couldn't let that happen. He couldn't let Samara give up her career for him, the career for which she had struggled, the fame which she rightfully earned and deserved.

He understood that Samara wanted to save him.

She wants to be his salvation.

But he didn't want to be her destruction.

Grayson's life would be meaningless if he watches Samara lose herself in him, it would be his biggest defeat if he watches her fail especially if he's the reason behind her failure. He didn't want her to become another Grayson Dolan.

What will their son think of them? That his parents are failures? That his parents give up so easily?

Grayson had made up his mind.

Samara wasn't giving up anything for him.

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