Chapter 13

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That was all Grayson could see when he found out the truth.

Just this morning, one of the security guards of the tower approached him and gave him a piece of paper with a number written on it.

"Mr. Dolan, I was actually on leave and just returned yesterday. I realized I forgot to tell you something. Two weeks ago, a girl showed up and was asking for you. She said she had tried to call you plenty of times and had even spoken to someone. It was probably Mr. Clark. Anyways she gave me this number and told me to pass on to you. She seemed like a decent girl so I decided to pass on her message to you. I apologize for not informing you sooner sir." The man explained.

Grayson understood everything now and he was beyond pissed.

He went to the venue where Noah was attending a meeting. Grayson stormed inside the room which, immediately caused everyone in the room to stand up, including Noah.

"Gray what are you—" Grayson didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence as he punched him. Everybody in the room gasped.

"What the hell is wrong with you Grayson?" Noah yelled, tired of being abused by both the brothers.

"You know why I did that Noah!" Grayson yelled back. "I was the one who told her that she'll never sing in a bar again! I promised to make her a successful artist one day! I was the one that told her she'll be a superstar one day!"

Noah tried calming him down "Grayson, just listen to me—" but Grayson was furious, "I went to her house Noah! She didn't come to me! She didn't ask for my help! And what did you do?! You humiliated her! You hid her calls from me!"

"Yes Grayson, I did all of that! And you know why? Because I'm your friend and did this for your own good. But just for any random girl—" "She's not just some random girl Noah!" Grayson yelled.

They both forgot that there was an audience watching them.

"I wanted her to stay away from you because she is your distraction! First alcohol, then drugs and now—" "Whatever I do with my life is my problem Noah!"

"No Grayson! This isn't just your personal problem! I'm your manager! I looked after you and your career. I saw your success. I've seen you touch the moon Grayson! I also saw your downfall! I saw how badly you hit the ground! But I can't see you handing over your success, which you need the most right now, over to someone else! I can't see you put all your efforts for someone else when instead you should be focusing on yourself." Noah vented out.

Grayson didn't say anything, he could see how hurt his manager was, "I feel bad for you Gray! It hurts me to see that you've stopped recognizing the talent which you have! I want nothing but the best for you. But you can't see that and neither can your brother. I thought that at least Ethan would understand that whatever I did, was to help you, but instead, he's wasting his time looking for her!"

Grayson furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Ethan knew about this?"

"Yes he did. I don't know why he didn't tell you but he has been looking for her this whole time. But what you both don't understand is that wasting your time in making someone else successful, is going to ruin you Grayson. You've forgotten your own voice Grayson, one that no one could ever match! Why don't you see yourself? Why don't you hear yourself?" Noah shouted.

Grayson quietly said, "You're right Noah. Everything you said is right. But the truth is that I don't want anything for myself now. Fame, success, money, respect, it should all go to the one that deserves it and Samara deserves all this Noah. I don't deserve all this and I have accepted this truth. You should too. You need to accept that your friend can't pay you anymore."

"Grayson what—" "You're a free man now Noah. You can go anywhere you want."

And with that Grayson left the room leaving Noah and everyone else dumbfounded.

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