Chapter 24

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Grayson was on his way to see Samara. One of the producers at Auxity Records had thrown a small party to celebrate Samara's success. Grayson wasn't invited though, its not like he was surprised anyways.

Samara had left him tons of voice mails and text messages, asking him where he was but he didn't reply.

But now, after Ethan had made him realize that he wasn't alone, Grayson couldn't wait till he sees her, he couldn't wait to have her in his arms again. He didn't care if he was crashing some fancy party.

"Sir, we're here." The Uber driver announced. Grayson paid him quickly and rushed inside the building.

As Grayson entered the building, he saw a crowd of journalists and photographers surrounding the small stage on which Adam had just finished giving a speech and called upon Samara to say a few words.

"Now I would like to call Auxity Record's top artist, Samara Blake."

The crowd cheered and clapped. Grayson smiled and clapped as well as he walked through the crowd, wheezing his way through the photographers.

As he tried to walk towards the stage, security stopped him.

"Sir you are not allowed to go any further." One of the bodyguards said, pushing him back.

Grayson obliged and stood back, smiling and clapping for his girlfriend.

Samara stood in front of the crowd, silent. She was looking around as if she had just been placed in an unfamiliar place. She looked like she would rather be anywhere else but that stage at the moment.

Samara still hadn't spotted Grayson amongst the crowd, she busy coming up with the words to deliver to the crowd.

Grayson could see her uneasiness and his smile dropped. He just wanted to go up there and tell her everything was going to be okay.

He started walking towards the stage again and but was stopped by the bodyguards, "Please stay back sir."

This time Grayson tried reasoning with them, "I am with her."

"Do you have an invitation card?" one of them asked, pushing him back again.

Grayson frowned, "Hey don't touch me!"

"Stay back!" they yelled.

Grayson angrily pushed both of them away, causing them to fall to the ground and he walked towards the stage.

One of the bodyguards stood up and tried to pull him away but Grayson repeated his actions again and yelled loudly this time, gaining everyone's attention, including Samara's, "I said she's with me!"

Noah's eyes widened as he spotted Grayson creating a scene, he rushed towards him but Grayson yelled again, "Let me go Noah!"

Grayson was frustrated. He was tired. He was tired of everyone treating him like shit, he was tired of everyone disrespecting him. He may have flaws but he was once a superstar as well and he deserves respect!

"What do you all think of yourselves?!" Grayson yelled at everybody around the room, the producers, the media, everyone.

He continued "Grayson don't do this, Grayson don't do that. Don't go here, don't go there! This is all what I hear from everyone!" He yelled, looking at everyone in the room.

Noah tried calming him down, "Bro lets get out of here."

Grayson ignored him, "I have earned a lot for you people! I sang every hit song! All my albums were No.1 on Billboards! And who got all the profits? Auxity Records!"

"Grayson relax" Noah gently said,  "What relax!" Grayson yelled at Noah as he pushed him aside.

Grayson turned his attention back to the crowd again, "And now they treat me like shit! I have been to several such fancy parties!" and this time Grayson pulled the table cloth from one of the tables, causing all the glasses to smash and break to ground.

No one attempted to stop Grayson, afraid of what he might do. Grayson then kicked over a table along with the chairs in a fit of rage causing the furnitures to turn over.

Samara saw the chaos Grayson was creating, his face was completely red in anger. She didn't even know when he had gotten here and what had happened that got him so mad. All she knew was that she wanted to calm him down.

She quickly rushed towards him.

Grayson yelled louder this time, if it was even possible, "I am Grayson Dolan and I'm a superstar! And even today I'm not less than anyone! I was, I am and I will always be a better singer than all the others."

"Grayson!" Samara yelled as she grabbed Grayson's arm but before she could say anything further, Grayson, unaware that this time it was Samara grabbing his arm, slapped her causing her to harshly fall and hit her forehead to the ground.

The crowd gasped, the photographers quickly took pictures of the scene in front of them and the journalist began writing their new gossip story.

While Grayson, after realizing on whom he had just raised his hands on, felt like a thousand knives had stabbed his heart.

His worst fear had come true, he had raised his hand on Samara.

He had finally turned into a devil.

Adam quickly rushed to Samara's side to help her, while Samara looked at him with love and sympathy, there wasn't a trace of anger in her eyes even after what he had just done to her in front of everyone.

Grayson saw her cheek turning red and blood oozing from the corner of her forehead.

He was drowning in guilt. He didn't want to be there in front of the public eye anymore.

Grayson silently walked away from there, he heard Samara calling him from behind, "Grayson wait—" But Grayson didn't listen as he kept walking away.

Samara held her belly and cried, resting her head on Adam's shoulder. He knew there was no point in stopping Grayson right now, so he comforted her, "Let him go Samara."

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