Chapter 23

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Samara entered home and saw that the whole house was in a mess. The floors were covered in empty liquor bottles. She stepped around them carefully looking for Grayson and saw him kneeling on the floor, looking through the cabinets.

What really surprised her was Grayson's behaviour. He kept murmuring "It's all over". He wasn't even himself at all, his face was covered in sweat. He looked like he wasn't in his senses.

Samara carefully called out, "Grayson, what is all this?"

Grayson looked up and said, "It's all over Sam. All the drinks are over, my drugs are over. I can't find anymore."

"What are you doing?" she asked worriedly this time.

"It's all over," he kept repeating again and again. This time he got up and headed towards their bedroom.

He was searching around the entire bedroom. Looking through the walk in closet, rolling over the couch seats, hoping to find any alcohol or drug to satisfy the unbearable craving he was having right now.

This time his voice got louder, as if he was extremely frustrated that he couldn't find anything, "Its all over!"

Samara rushed behind him, trying to get a hold of him.

Grayson yelled in frustration, "ITS ALL OVER!"

"Grayson what are you doing?" she said as she finally got a hold of him and hugged him, "Nothing's over Grayson."

She pulled back and held his face, "It's all over Samara." He said with a cold expression.

Tears started streaming down her face looking at his condition, "Nothing's over. Everything's okay".

Samara saw how tired and dehydrated he looked, "I'll go get a glass of water."

She ran to the kitchen to get a glass of water and went back to their room again. As she was about to enter the room, Samara gasped as she saw something which made her wish she never witnessed it.

She saw him take out her wallet from her purse.

Samara didn't enter the room, she didn't want to confront him or make him feel like she had caught him stealing. After all he had every right over her money.

He's the reason why she has all this fortune.

Samara waited for a few minutes to enter the room but instead she saw Grayson walk right past her and leave the house, completely ignoring her.

As the main door shut, Samara slid down the floor and started crying her heart out. How was she suppose to tell Grayson about her pregnancy when he wasn't even in his state of mind at the moment?


Grayson was at the bar again. He was thinking about what he had done earlier. Obviously he didn't intend on taking his girlfriend's wallet but he didn't have a choice. Sure if he would've just asked her, she would've given her money to him happily but that would just prove that he is the type of boyfriend who is dependant on his girlfriend's earnings.

Grayson couldn't withdraw any money from his bank account since his bank account is frozen nor did he have any cash with him at the moment, he was desperate. Samara had seen such a vulnerable side of him today, he felt pathetic.

"Sir, here's the cheque." The bartender said.

Grayson pulled out Samara's wallet. He unzipped it and saw a picture of him and her in Samara's wallet. It was a picture in which they both were smiling, they both looked so happy.

He suddenly felt extremely guilty.

His phone started ringing. It was Ethan.

Grayson answered the call, "Hey E. How are you?"

"What happened to your voice Gray? Is everything alright? Why do you sound so low man?" Ethan asked, concerned.

Grayson didn't respond, "What happened Grayson?" Ethan asked again.

Grayson looked at the picture that seemed to be taunting him. "Hey Grayson!" Ethan said a little louder this time, getting his attention.

"I really love her Ethan." Grayson said, on the verge of tears now, "I really love her." He repeated.

Ethan knew something was horribly wrong right now with the way his brother sounded, "Grayson tell me what happened? I'm really worried for you man."

He sighed, "I don't know. I'm a little lost."

"Grayson, you are not alone. Do you hear me? You are not alone."

He kept looking at the picture, he kept looking at Samara's smiling face, "I am not alone"

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