Chapter 1

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"GRAYSON....GRAYSON......GRAYSON...." The crowd chanted his name loudly, they were all waiting for the artist to appear on stage for around two hours now.

The stage manager, Peter Matthews had his panties in a twist. The fans were patient till now but they won't be for long. He had been reassuring them since an hour now that Grayson would be here any minute.

He had been trying to get a hold of Grayson's manager, Noah Clark but the voice kept saying unreachable.

Peter was pacing back and forth at the back stage till he spotted a man with blonde hair heading towards him, he felt a little relieved seeing him.

"Mr Clark, where have you been? The show was supposed to start more than an hour ago." Peter exclaimed, he looked behind Noah and found no sign of Grayson.

He again started panicking "Where is Grayson?! If Grayson doesn't go on that stage in 5 minutes, we'll all have to deal with an angry crowd."

Noah let out a sigh before explaining to the short pudgy man "I'm so sorry for being late Mr Matthews, its just Grayson can be a handful to deal with sometimes. He is still sitting in the car right now, I'll just go and get him." He turned around and ran towards the parking lot before Peter could say anything.


Grayson was comfortably sitting in the backseat of his Mercedes SUV. He emptied the white powdery contents also known as cocaine from the little plastic bag onto his cell phone.

He rolled the one-dollar bill and inhaled the drug through it. Grayson felt a euphoric rush to his head. There was a knock on the window.

Grayson rolled down the window and was faced with his manager, Noah.

"Grayson, its time to get on the stage."

The artist let out a small chuckle and inhaled the drug again "What's the problem Noah? I'm here to sing so obviously I won't leave without singing."

He then put away the cocaine and got out of the car. He looked at his manager and said, "Let's go"

Grayson and Noah made their way to backstage, Grayson quickly changed his outfit and got ready to get on the stage as he tried to listen to Noah's instructions "If anyone tries to create a scene, just ignore him. Please don't lose your temper Grayson."

"Relax Noah, I got this." Grayson said before stepping up on the stage with a microphone in his hand, he was soon greeted by the cheers and chants of his fans. He smiled, "Hey guys, how's it going?", the crowded cheered even louder.

"Alright lets get this party started." Grayson said before he started singing his very first song.

The fans kept cheering him on as he sang, however there were few guys on the front row that were aware of Grayson's temper. Grayson has a reputation of trashing reporters and journalist when they get on his nerves.

The guys smirked amongst themselves before they started throwing water balloons at Grayson.

Grayson instantly spotted the guys as he was drenched in water. His face turned red with rage and jumped off the stage.

He grabbed the first guy and started punching him, the crowd started recording the fight and a couple of people tried the break the fight.

Finally Noah along with security came in and pulled him away, "Grayson let them go."

Grayson gave them an angry look before he went backstage to change his outfit, Noah was walking behind him, "Gray where are you going man?" Grayson ignored him and grabbed a hat and sunglasses. He then started walking towards his car.

"Dude c'mon who wears sunglasses at night and again, where are you going?" Noah then realized that the artist was walking towards the driver seat of his car.

He immediately stepped in front of him "Grayson are you crazy? You're going to drive under the influence? You'll either get arrested or get yourself killed!"

Grayson easily pushed the blonde man aside and sat in the driver seat before he rolled down the window and smirked, "What can I say I live for danger.", and with that he drove off.

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