Chapter 17

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Okay so this is a long chapter so bear with me guys!

Today was a big day.

Today was Samara's testing day. Samara would officially record one of Auxity Records brand new song which hasn't been released yet.

If she impresses Adam Stevens and the rest of the board, she would be signed to Auxity Records.

If not, then well, she didn't really want to think about that at the moment. But Samara was a nervous wreck at the moment.

She was inside an empty conference room and to say that she was nervous would be an understatement. She was petrified.

A lot of people were going to be there including Grayson and Adam. She didn't want to mess this up and disappoint them.

Adam, the members of the board and few other technicians were in the recording studio, setting everything up.

One of the technicians came in the studio, "Sir, she said needs 5 more minutes."

Adam turned to Grayson, "Gray, it has been 30 minutes. Is there a problem?"

Grayson couldn't tell them that she was nervous as hell, they all will start doubting her and after everything Samara has been through to get here, she didn't need people doubting her now.

"No Sir, there is no problem. I'll go get her." Grayson went to the empty conference room to fetch her.

He saw her sitting on a chair, her eyes glued to the floor as if she was lost in her own little world.

"Samara." He called out.

She looked at him, "We have to go", he continued.

Samara fiddled with her fingers, "I cannot sing Grayson."

Grayson smiled, he knew how she was feeling right now. He felt like that as well before his first recording.

He approached her and got on his knees to be on the same level as her.

"Samara, we all get nervous. I was too. In fact, I ran away from the studio, so it's okay." He tried comforting her.

Samara didn't meet his eyes, her gaze was still glued to the floor, "No. The bar was a different story. Over there mistakes were acceptable. But here, amongst these big people—" "You're not alone. I'm right here with you Sam."

"Please come with me." He pleaded.

"I can't sing" She said in a shaky voice as she started tearing up.

Grayson hated seeing her like this. It pained him to see her so broken and insecure. He was waiting for this day for such a long time. He couldn't let her throw away all her hard work like this.

He wanted her to be successful, to receive all the glory and fame that she deserved.

He wanted to shower all his love and affection upon her, he wanted to kiss away her tears and make her smile again.

Grayson took her hands in his, it's like his mind wasn't even in control anymore. He said the words which his heart had been dying to tell her.

"I love you Samara." This time she looked up and met his eyes. Her eyes widened, she certainly wasn't expecting him to confess that. Samara felt her heart deeply thump against her rib cage.

From the inside, she was jumping in joy, but from the outside she was frozen.

"I love you." He repeated. "I've waited for this day too long Samara, more than you. At least come to the studio for me."

Samara was still lost at words, she wanted to say it back.

But right now, with everything that's happening, she felt extremely overwhelmed.

So instead she just nodded and they both stood up.

They entered the recording studio, hand in hand.

Samara stepped inside the recording booth, everyone outside gave her a thumbs up.

The music began and Samara poured her heart and soul into the song.

Soon she heard cheers and applauds outside the recording booth. Grayson's smile was enough to tell her that she had succeeded.

She stepped out of the recording booth and was congratulated by everyone.

"Samara, my dear, you have blown us all away. We don't want to delay this any further because I want you to start recording your first album as soon as possible. So we are going to prepare your contract right now and you're going to sign it." Adam announced.

Samara grinned, this was officially the best day of her life. All her dreams were finally coming true.

She was going to be an artist and turns out, the boy she is in love with, loved her back as well.

"Thank you so much Mr. Stevens." She said happily.

"Please, you're a part of the family now. Call me Uncle Adam." He smiled.

Soon everyone started leaving the studio, it was just her and Grayson now.

"You have no idea how happy I am for you Samara. I feel like I have achieved my dreams all over again." Grayson said, she looked into his eyes and saw how much love and affection his eyes held.

"Its all because of you Grayson." She simply said.

Grayson's phone started ringing. It was Adam.

Samara patiently waited for Grayson and Adam to finish their conversation on call, Grayson just said, "Alright I'll be there." before disconnecting the call.

"Uncle Adam needs help with the contract so I'm gonna go." He said and prepared to leave.

Its now or never Samara. She thought.

Samara pulled his arm and stopped him. Grayson was taken aback by her actions.

"Grayson." She breathed out

"I love you too." She confessed.

Grayson felt like his whole world had come to a stop. He didn't even know that guys could feel butterflies in their stomach but he was sure the churning feeling in his stomach were as they all call it "butterflies"

He grinned madly at her words. Grayson had the sudden urge to pull her against him and he did.

Samara profusely blushed and looked down. He had his arms around her waist, she was pressed against his chest.

She inhaled his musk cologne and felt her breath get heavy but she didn't dare look up.

She felt two fingers under her chin, forcing her to look up. She looked into his chocolate brown eyes that held so many different emotions at the moment. Love, lust, passion.

Samara felt his warm breath against her face as he leaned closer. She knew what was about to happen and she wanted it so bad.

She wanted to feel his lips against hers.

They both closed their eyes and leaned in, their lips locked and Samara felt like her heart was going to burst any second. It was a simple kiss at first but then it became more intense and more passionate. Their lips perfectly moulded together like two puzzle pieces. Grayson pulled her closer if it was even possible, her hands went up to his hair. They were as soft as she had imagined.

The kiss became more heated as she felt his tongue slip in her mouth. He explored every inch of her mouth and she hummed lightly.

Soon the lack of oxygen forced them both to pull away.

They both smiled, closed their eyes and pressed their forehead against each other.

It was a new beginning.

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