Chapter 9

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Samara walked out of the store with her new SIM card, she replaced the old one with the new one in her phone and called Grayson.


Grayson was walking down the deserted street when his phone started ringing. It was an unknown number, as he was about to answer it, someone hit his head from behind with an iron rod. Grayson dropped his phone and held his head tightly. He couldn't even see properly because of the unbearable pain in his head. He felt really dizzy.

He again felt the iron rod being hit on several parts of his body. He fell down to the ground and was now being kicked by his attackers. Grayson tried to look at his attackers but his vision was fuzzy, he couldn't even fight back because his mind wasn't responding to anything as every inch of his body was in pain especially his head.

"You dare ruin Mr. Matthew's show! Whose gonna pay him back? And you just ran away to Los Angeles!" His attacker's yelled as they kept kicking him.

Grayson could still hear the phone ringing, he had a feeling it was Samara. She was calling out to him.

Eventually Grayson passed out from the pain while Samara hung up the phone, feeling disappointed that Grayson hadn't answered.

Noah was trying really hard not to panic but how could he not? His friend just got beat up by a bunch of goons for ruining the show in San Francisco and if the media finds out about it, what little image and reputation Grayson had would be completely tarnished. Not to mention whether Grayson will even be able to recover looking at his bloody condition.

Grayson was now placed in the MRI machine since his head is severely injured.

"Don't you dare tell this to anyone. If any journalist or anyone related to the media asks about his whereabouts, just say he's gone to Australia for a show." Noah warned the doctors.

"Of course Mr. Clark" The doctors agreed

"Meanwhile, nobody comes in and nobody talks to him." Noah instructed.

Noah was in the waiting room now, giving the doctors space to do their work. Grayson's phone, which was in his hands, started ringing. Noah answered it but regretted it the second he heard the voice on the other line.

"Hello, this is Samara. Can I please speak to Mr. Dolan? He has asked me to call him on this number"

"Grayson has gone to Australia for a show, he's not here. He'll return in a month or so" Noah replied in a monotone voice and disconnected the call before Samara could respond.

"Hello, Hello!" Samara tried before she realized that the person on the other side hung up.


It had been 3 weeks now. Samara kept trying all the numbers Grayson had given her every single day but no one answered. She couldn't even explain what she was feeling. Angry? Sad? Disappointed? Heartbroken? One thing was for sure, she felt hopeless. The fire of hope that Grayson had once lit inside her had now been completely extinguished.

She knew it was too good to be true. He was just playing her. How could she be so stupid? How can she just blindly trust Grayson? How could she allow herself to fall for his charms like that?

To her, this meant everything. His promises, their friendship, her hope, it all meant everything to her but of course for a guy like Grayson, she was just another girl he could play with. He showed her this beautiful dream that turned into her biggest nightmare.

Samara could only blame her heart for this. After all, the night when Grayson had asked her whether she trusted him, her mind kept coming up with the worst scenarios, one of which she was living right now, but it was her heart that decided to trust him.

How could she do that? How could she give her heart to him like that only to be crushed so ruthlessly by him?

A tear escaped her eye when the automated voice replied "The number you are trying to call is currently switched off. Please try again later."

She buried her face in her pillow and cried, "Why Grayson? Why did you do this to me?"

his salvation | grayson dolan Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant