Chapter 8

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"So this guy said that he's going to make you an artist and you believed him? You quit your job and moved here just based on his words?" Jason exclaimed.

Samara was taken aback by her brother's reaction. But what else was she expecting? What she did sounds even more ridiculous hearing it from someone else.

"Jason I know what you're thinking but trust me its just a matter of few days before I start working again and this time not for minimum wage." She justified.

Jason didn't say anything but Samara knew her brother was upset. Instead of arguing with her, Jason got up and walked towards the kitchen.

Samara sighed and followed him, "Jace c'mon. He's Grayson Dolan. I know that he isn't exactly everyone's favourite person these days but he has connections. He knows these people. He promised—" Jason sharply turned around and interrupted, "Promised? You left your life in San Francisco and came all the way here just based on a promise? Sammy I know you're naïve but I didn't know you were so stupid."

Samara didn't know how to make her brother see things from her point of view. She shut her eyes in frustration and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and looked at him, "Jason, for the first time someone has believed in me. For the first time, I have believed in someone. He came all the way from San Francisco just for me and he's going to talk to Adam Stevens just for me."

Jason saw the hope and trust his sister's eyes held. He couldn't help but give a small smile. If his sister took such a big decision then there must be reason. So he decided to trust his sister's decision this time.

"I hope that you took the right decision Sammy."


Meanwhile at Auxity Records, an excited Grayson was literally running behind Adam Stevens who was so busy handling the people at work that he didn't have a second to spare for Grayson.

"Uncle Adam, I'm not joking" Grayson said as he was speed walking behind Adam, trying to catch up with him.

"Deadlines boys! Deadlines!" Adam yelled at some employees as he was trying to get to his office.

"There's a girl" Grayson yelled. That caught Adam's attention and he turned around.

Adam grinned and clapped his hands, giving Grayson a tight hug, "Finally!" He then pulled back and patted Grayson's shoulder, "Get married and straighten up."

Grayson chuckled, "No, no, its not like that." Adam's expression turned sour and he turned around and started walking towards his office saying "Ah then forget it."

"Uncle Adam listen! This girl is a very, very, very good singer" Grayson explained.

"Please schedule my meeting for tomorrow." Adam said to another employee.

"She was singing at a bar—" "Ah, a bar means where you were obviously drowning in alcohol" Adam said

"Um yes but her voice! Gosh, I had an entire bottle but I couldn't get drunk. Can you imagine!"

Adam finally turned around and gave Grayson his attention, "Basically, I want you to give her a chance and sign her with Auxity Records. She's outstanding, I can write that in blood."

"If you have any blood left" Adam said smugly, "Where is she?" he asked further

"She's here in L.A." Grayson replied, "She stays in San Francisco though, but she lives in a dump like place and sings in cheap bars. But I won't let that happen again" Grayson firmly said.

Adam turned around, not paying attention to Grayson anymore and walked towards his office.

A frustrated Grayson yelled, "Uncle Adam, she's excellent."

Adam kept on walking.

"She's a superstar!" Grayson yelled

Adam stopped abruptly and turned around, "Superstar?" he questioned

"Yeah" Grayson replied, hoping that this time he would agree.

Adam chuckled, "A star, is someone whose songs and voice, soothes the mind and heals the heart. This is how people used to feel during your performances. You were the star Grayson. You" Adam said pointing to Grayson.

"She is way better than me. She's amazing" Grayson pleaded.

Adam thought for a minute before finally giving in, "Call her" he said as he resumed his journey to his office again.

Grayson was surprised, "Really?"

"First I'll hear her and then I'll decide"

"YES!" Grayson yelled in excitement as he literally jumped on Adam's back, which caused them both to roll down on the floor.

"Thank you Uncle. Thank you, thank you, thank you soo much. I could seriously kiss you right now." An excited Grayson yelled

"Do not kiss me! And get off of me Grayson!" Adam's voice booming in the building

Grayson got up and left the building with a lot "WOHOOS" and "YEAH" along the way.

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