Chapter 16

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These past few weeks, Samara felt like she was living a dream. Grayson had helped her with her vocal training and the few minor errors she made in her singing were completely gone.

All because of Grayson.

Ethan had gone back to New York so it was just her and Grayson and in the past few weeks, they became really close. In the beginning she was unsure of her feelings for Grayson but now even the thought of Grayson's handsome face made her blush and made her stomach churn.

Samara had seen Grayson's addiction in the past few weeks, she saw how he would sometimes take drugs when he thought no one was looking. It wasn't on a regular basis though. But it still broke her heart every time he took a sniff of cocaine. If it were any other person, she would judge them pretty harshly and would even find them disgusting but she didn't feel for Grayson.

In fact, she felt sorry for him. She pitied him. Samara truly wished she could do something, she wanted to save him from that poison just as how he had saved her from her miserable life.

But it wasn't her place to tell him anything. She wasn't his girlfriend, she wasn't sure whether she was even a friend. She was probably just a girl he felt sympathy for and decided to help.

But for Samara, he had taken up a special place her in heart. She never felt like that with any guy before.

His beautiful smile made her heart swoon, his accidental touches would caused butterflies in her stomach, whenever he was too close to her, her heart would thump so loudly that she was sure he could hear it.

Samara knew that this was more than just a physical attraction and infatuation. But she also wasn't ready give the big word to her feelings. It was too soon for that and also it would just end in a heartbreak.

A guy like Grayson would never have feelings for an average girl like her.

"SAMARA COME DOWN!" her train of thoughts were interrupted as Grayson yelled from the street while playing soccer with a group of kids from the neighbourhood.

She was watching him play with them from the balcony of her room for about 15 minutes.

She decided to go down and join them.

Grayson felt ecstatic as he saw her jogging towards him. He had never been happier than he has these past few weeks. He hadn't even taken drugs on a regular basis like he always used to.

These past few weeks have been the best weeks of his life and that's all because of Samara. Every moment with her made him feel alive. Seeing her happy made him happy and that was all he wanted, her happiness.

He didn't even realize when had she become such an important part of his life, a part that he now couldn't imagine living without. Two months ago, he never imagined his life to turn out this way.

Grayson had never imagined falling in love.

And this was the best feeling he has ever felt in his life. It was a feeling that he didn't want to get rid of.

He heard his phone ring and excused himself from the kids and Samara, she continued playing with the kids while Grayson answered his phone.

It was his dad.

"Grayson! How are you feeling now son?" his dad asked.

Grayson couldn't help but look at Samara lovingly and smile, "I'm good dad. In fact, I'm so happy right now." He said in a boyish tone

His dad chuckled, "You're in love my son."

"How did you know?" he asked, not even a little bit surprised that his dad had caught him.

"A father knows when his son is in love." His dad stated.

Grayson smiled, "Its an amazing feeling dad."

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