Chapter 21

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Things were going quiet well in Samara's life. Grayson had asked Samara to move in with him so they were now living together. Samara's fame and success kept rising, she was working on her second album now. Grayson would attend all of her recording sessions but he still couldn't keep away from drugs and alcohol despite how hard he tried to fight the temptation.

Grayson had plans for himself. Seeing Samara sing so beautifully at every recording session had motivated him to work again. He wanted to sing again, he had mentioned this to Samara quiet a few times and she was happy that he wanted to get his life back together.

Grayson was currently in his music room, sniffing cocaine again. He heard the door bell ring and got up to answer it.

He opened the door and saw Noah, his ex manager.

Grayson had a blank expression on his face as Noah spoke, "Hi"

Grayson simply nodded, Noah continued, "I came to apologize. What I did was completely—" Noah was cut off as Grayson suddenly pulled him into a hug.

Noah smiled and hugged back while patting his shoulders, "Grayson I shouldn't have—" "Forget all that" Grayson said, forgiving his friend.

Both friends were hanging out at the balcony, drinking and celebrating their reunion.

"Is there any work for me?" Grayson asked out of the blue.

Noah looked at him confused, "What?"

"I wanna work again man. I wanna sing again. I was thinking of releasing a new single." Grayson said, he continued, "I'm not alone anymore now. With Samara by my side I feel like I can do anything now."

Noah smiled, happy that his friend finally decided to work on his music again.

"Well there are a few songs ready at Auxity Records, we can go tomorrow and start recording if you want."

"Yeah sure, lets go tomorrow." Grayson said happily.

Noah grinned and yelled excitedly, "Alright! Lets do this man. Grayson Dolan is back!"


This was his third time singing the song from the beginning again.

Each time there was a pitch problem and was stopped by the producer, who had politely even asked him whether Grayson preferred to tone down the music a little to match his voice but of course, he was an artist. His pride wouldn't let him do that.

So Grayson simply said no and said he would sing it again.

As the music began, Grayson saw one of the technicians giggling at his fail attempts.

"You think this is funny?" Grayson asked from the recording booth, extremely pissed.

The technician immediately stopped giggling.

"You think you can sing this song." He asked in all seriousness.

Grayson removed his headphones, "Here why don't you sing this song"

"I'm sorry sir. That wasn't for you." The technician apologized.

"I need a break." And with that Grayson left the building.

Noah found Grayson was leaning against a wall.

"Grayson, I won't spare them. I swear they won't know what came their way. Who do they think they are man? Lets go inside and show them." Noah said as he pulled Grayson's arm.

But Grayson didn't budge; he looked like he was lost in his thoughts, "I've lost my voice man. I couldn't sing. Drugs and alcohol have fried my vocal chords."

Noah gave him a sympathetic smile, "Its not true man. Its okay, it happens. Let's go inside."

"I'm finished. My career is finished." Grayson said in a low voice. He realized that he is too late to repair his mistakes now. He was finished. He can never sing again.


Samara came back home from her recording session and found Grayson in his music room, going through some papers on his desk.

She hugged him from behind, Grayson forced a smiled and turned around, holding her in his arms.

"How was your recording?" She asked

"Nothing happened." He replied.

She had a confused look, "Then what did you do all day?"

He sighed, "Nothing. I was listening to my songs, trying to sing them."

She caressed his cheek, "You will be able to sing. I will pray for you." She said sincerely.

"You do that later but first did you eat anything or not?" he asked as he walked towards his shelf, looking through CD's.

Samara knew he was upset, he was trying to hide it but she could see through him. So she tried lightening the mood, "I am starving. Lets go out and have pizza."

"Let's just stay here. I've already ordered pizza, it'll be here any minute." Grayson said, his back still facing her.

Samara slowly walked towards him as Grayson spoke, "Samara there were a few calls for you. Uncle Adam had called, he had spoken to someone on your behalf. There were a few calls from reality shows for judging and few calls from magazines for your photo-shoot. Then there was a call for you interview, I told them to call back tomorrow."

Samara held his arm as he still kept looking through his CD's, "Grayson"

"Yes," he replied without looking at her.

"Look at me" she said.

Grayson sighed and turned towards her, she wrapped her arms around his neck, "Has anything changed?" she asked, scared of his answer.

Grayson held her face in his hands and kissed her forehead, "Nothing has changed." He reassured her and hugged her.

They heard the doorbell ring and they both pulled away.

"Pizza is here." Grayson said happily as he went to answer the door.

The delivery man handed two boxes of pizza to Grayson, "That will be $31 sir."

Samara followed Grayson as he handed her the boxes and proceeded to take out his wallet to pay.

"Here you go. Keep the change." Grayson said, handing him $35.

"Thank you sir. Can I get an autograph?" the delivery man asked.

"Of course." Grayson said taking the pen and paper the man offered.

"Um I actually wanted Samara's autograph." The delivery man said.

Grayson hesitantly gave a small smile, "Yeah sure, I'll go get her."

Samara was in the kitchen and she clearly heard what the delivery man had said. She couldn't even imagine how crushed Grayson must be feeling right now.

He entered the kitchen, behaving completely normal, "Samara, the delivery man is asking for your autograph."

Samara didn't know what to say to make his pain go away. She just wished they weren't in this situation,  "Right now?" she asked

Grayson smiled at her, "These moments are priceless. They won't come back again Sam. Now go, I'll get the plates."

Samara went to the door and smiled at the man while signing her autograph as the delivery man praised her, "You have such an amazing voice! I'm a huge fan of yours."

Grayson smiled, hearing the man's praises. It didn't matter that his career was over, what matters is that Samara is getting the success which she deserves.

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