Chapter 37

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Samara finished up taping the box. She had decided to give up music for good and move away somewhere far, just like her original plan but this time without Grayson.

"Where are you going?" A voice asked.

Samara turned around and found Ethan, she simply continued with her packing and replied, "Anywhere."

"What do you mean?" He asked sternly.

"I mean far away. I'm leaving everything." She replied stoically as she began packing the next box.

"But that's not what Grayson wanted." Ethan reasoned.

"Grayson who? I don't know anyone by that name" She said without looking at him.

Ethan sighed, "Samara, decisions taken in rage always hurt in the end."

"For the first time, my decision hasn't hurt me" She replied.

Ethan dryly chuckled, "Good, very good. Please go. He should just fade away, he should just die inside of you. Its what he deserves doesn't he?"

Samara stopped what she was doing and listened to him.

Ethan continued, "He displayed your art to the world. The little life that he had, was just for you. But Samara, my brother had died the day he raised his hand on you, the day he saw you at the police department. He understood that, just how his addiction was his weakness, the same way he was becoming your weakness too. He realized that he was the biggest obstruction in your path and so he gave his life so that you can live! So that you don't become another Grayson Dolan! But you know what he failed. In the end you turned out to become another Grayson Dolan. " He yelled.

Samara could feel her tears streaming down her cheeks, the tears which she had tried to supress inside her. She turned around to look at Ethan and saw that he had already left.

Realization hit her. All this time she was assuming that Grayson left her because he couldn't deal with the world and because he gave up too easily. But in reality Grayson didn't kill himself, he sacrificed himself. He sacrificed himself for her.

How could she let his sacrifice go in vain? How could she leave all their memories behind like that?



Samara stood on the huge stage with the microphone in her hand as she faced the crowd. She closed her eyes for and amongst the thousands of people in the crowd, she could see Grayson cheering for her and smiling.

She opened her eyes and smiled and began singing.

The end.

Its finished and I'm cutting onions here!

Those of you who read this book, thank you for your support. I hope you enjoyed this book.

Next is the epilogue

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