Chapter 6

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Grayson and Samara were in the flight right now, headed off to L.A. Samara sat at the window seat and Grayson next to her. She looked at the blanket of clouds outside her window.

Grayson looked at Samara and he could tell she was in deep thoughts.

"Hey what are you thinking?" He asked her, snapping her out of her daze.

She looked at him intently, "Yesterday morning when I woke up, I never imagined my life to change so drastically in just a day. Everything happened so fast Grayson, I mean honestly, I don't even know what's happening right now. Why are you doing all this for me Grayson? You don't even know me." Samara asked as she finished her rant.

Grayson looked away from her. Even he didn't know why was he doing all this for her. He literally just met her last night and now he's flying to L.A. with her. He has never felt that way about anyone before. All he knew was that Samara deserved to be heard by the world.

"You know Samara, sometimes good things happen when we meet strangers." Grayson now looked at her, "I don't know why I'm doing this for you, all I know is that you don't deserve to live that shitty life."

Samara looked into his eyes, this time he was sober and his words held a firm belief. She couldn't help but smile.

"Anyways!" Grayson said cheerfully, "tell me about your life Sam, where is your family?"

Samara looked down and began narrating her miserable life to him, "I was born and brought up in Los Angeles. My parents died in a car accident when I was a baby. Me and my older brother, Jason, were raised by our grandmother."

Grayson's face immediately fell, "I'm so sorry. I can understand. My mom died when I was 16."

Samara took his hand in hers, "I'm sorry about your mom."

Grayson gave a sad smile, "I guess she's in a better place and so are your parents."

Samara smiled back "Yeah they are. I wish I got to know them though. I don't have any memories with them. I'm glad that at least you have memories with your mom that you can cherish for life."

Grayson thought about how his addiction started since his mother died, "Yeah I guess" he replied. He changed the topic, "Anyways, please continue."

Samara began "Well I've been singing since I was 5, I learnt how to play the guitar and keyboard. My grandmother and my brother always supported me and my music. But my grandmother died when I was 15 and my brother was 18. We were all alone, my brother worked very hard to meet both ends and to provide for the both of us while I tried meeting producers and other people in the industry but no one wants to take the risk of launching a brand new artist." She explained.

Grayson listened carefully and asked "Why did you move to San Francisco?"

"Jason didn't go to college because of me even though he is incredibly smart and deserves to go in the best university that there is. But he didn't go because then there won't be anyone to look after me. So after two years of trying and being constantly rejected by labels, I decided get away from everything, start new so I moved to San Francisco. Of course he tried to stop me but he knew how stubborn I was so he eventually let me go and decided to go to college." She finished

"How long has it been?" he asked

"It's been 4 years now. He graduated from college and now lives in our grandmother's home. She made a will that said me and Jason would inherit her house." She said.

"Are you excited to meet your brother?" Grayson asked

Samara smiled, "Yes, I haven't seen him in 4 years. I can't believe I stayed 4 years without seeing him because now I'm pretty impatient to see him."

Grayson laughed and Samara felt her heart skip a beat. He looked even more stunning when he laughed.

Suddenly Samara asked him a question that startled him, "What about your life?"

Grayson was silent for a minute before he decided to tell her everything, "Well, I think everyone knows about my life. Grayson Dolan, son of Sean Dolan, owner of Dolan Hotels. Rich, spoiled, arrogant brat with anger and addiction issues."

Samara gave him a comforting smile, "You're nothing like how the media portrays you. You are a gem of a person. I have never met anyone as nice and kind as you Grayson."

Grayson looked at her, he felt his heart swell at her words. No one has ever said such kind words to him, if anything, it was her who has a heart of a gold. She is as beautiful from the inside as she is from the outside.

"No one has ever said that to me." He admitted

"Maybe because you never showed this side of you to anyone." She said

"It's true though you know, I was handed everything on a silver plate. I didn't really work hard for anything. My parents gave me everything I asked for. Adam Stevens discovered me in Central Park singing and he basically offered me to join Auxity Records." Grayson explained

Samara hesitantly asked, "So um how did you—you know—." "How did I become an addict?" Grayson finished.

She didn't say anything but her facial expression was enough to tell him that was what she wanted to ask.

He answered her, "My mother's death was hard on my family, especially me. As time passed, my family eventually accepted her death and carried on with their lives, but not me. I couldn't handle her absence."

Samara gave him a sympathetic look, waiting for him to continue. She could see his eyes were starting to fill with tears.

"I was really close to her. No one understood me the way she did. My dad was involved in his work and he expected me and my brother to one day take over his business so he thought music was just a waste of time. My brother wasn't much of a music buff but he is my best friend you know. I really miss him a lot. My sister was busy with her life. My mother was the only one who understood my passion for music."

Grayson sniffed, holding back his tears, "Her death left a wound in my heart, a wound that time wasn't able to heal. So to escape the pain for a while, I started drinking. I would sneak bottles of whiskey's from my dad's cabinet and drink them all night. It helped in easing the pain."

"What about drug addiction?" Samara asked before she could stop herself.

Grayson sharply looked at her, as if she had said something really offensive, Samara gasped, feeling nervous. She felt guilty for prying into his life like that.

Nevertheless, Grayson answered her question, "I'm not sure. I guess when I started hanging out with some bad people who took a lot of cocaine."

Grayson looked away from her, he gazed forward, as if he was now living in flashback, "All I know is that I couldn't get enough of it, I still can't. It eventually ruined my career."

Samara just couldn't keep her mouth shut with the question, "Why didn't you go into rehab?"

Thankfully Grayson didn't have an abrupt reaction this time, "I did, but it didn't work."

She didn't ask anything this time, but Grayson continued, still in daze, "I guess that's why I'm helping you. I took my success for granted. I couldn't handle my fame. But you Samara—" he said, this time looking at her "Not only are you passionate for music, you also have the desire and will to prove yourself. You crave for people to hear and appreciate your music. I know that you won't take this for granted. I know that you won't turn into another Grayson Dolan."

Samara's eyes widened at his words, it took a while for her to process what he was saying. The rest of the journey took place in silence.

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his salvation | grayson dolan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora