Chapter 25

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Grayson stormed in his house. He felt suffocated, he couldn't breath. He was drowning in misery.

He looked at the mini bar and went on a full rampage. Grayson grabbed a chair and started smashing the whole bar, destroying every liquor bottle. After all it was this intoxication that brought him to this awful point of his life.

Grayson's eyes were red and tearful. He vented out his frustration at the furnitures in the house.

He turned around and saw Samara standing in the middle of the living room, looking at him with sympathy. Grayson put the chair down and looked at her.

Samara slowly approached him, trying not to tick him off further.

She gently put her hand on his shoulder, "Grayson—" Samara gasped as Grayson gripped her arm and started walking towards the main door, yelling "Just stop it Samara! You're always hovering over me! What am I doing?! Why am I doing this?! Am I asleep?! Am I awake?!"

"Grayson what are you doing?" She screamed trying to pull away from his tight grip.

"I'm fed up of all this Samara! I was better-off alone! I was happier alone in my misery!" He yelled as he opened the door and pushed her outside.

"Grayson listen to me." She screamed but Grayson shut the door, she could still hear him from the other side.

"Just go away Samara! Just go away!" Grayson yelled, but this time he couldn't control his tears. He slid down the door and started crying.

Samara knew he was sitting by the door, she could hear him cry. It broke her heart to see him like this, she knew how frustrated he was with his life. Samara couldn't even imagine how he would react when he finds out about her pregnancy.

She was waiting for the right time to tell him but the right time just never seems to arrive. There was no way she could tell him right now, the last thing Samara needed to do right now was just add more stress in his life.

She softly said, "Grayson open the door. Please."

Grayson didn't respond. He didn't want to deal with anything right now. He sat there, quietly sobbing.

Samara sat down on her side of the door as well, she carefully chose her words, "We all fall weak Grayson, we all get scared. I was weak and scared too. I thought I would be living in that misery for the rest of my life. Then you came in my life and changed everything."

Grayson carefully listened to her, he stopped had crying now. She continued, "You cannot leave me alone after giving me all this. I love you Grayson."

He closed his eyes and breathed. Her words calmed him down. Her love gave him peace.

"Please open the door for my sake Gray. Please." Samara pleaded.

Grayson wiped his tears away and stood up, opening the door. He looked at Samara sitting on the floor and sat down with her.

"Help me." His voice cracked.

Samara held his face in her hands, he repeated "Please help me".

Samara smiled and nodded as she kissed his forehead.

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