Chapter 3

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It took him around 20 minutes to reach the nearest bar. He stumbled inside and was hit the intoxicating smell of alcohol. Grayson motioned the bartender and ordered his drink.


Samara stood in front of the mirror in the grimy bathroom, preparing herself to sing in front of drunk, old, miserable men. All she saw in the mirror was a broken girl who couldn't achieve her dreams. Her dreams of becoming a well-known artist one day.

Samara believed that she would spend the rest of her life singing in a grubby bar.

"Samara are you ready? Max is calling you." A lady's voice snapped Samara out of her thoughts.

"Yeah I'm coming" Samara replied. She didn't want to be yelled for being late by her boss, Max who is also the bar owner.

She stepped on the stage, the spotlight on her, the band ready to play the music.

As soon as she started singing, the noisy bar fell into a silence as they were all mesmerized by her voice.

Grayson's eyes immediately followed the beautiful voice. He instantly recognized the owner of the voice. It was the same girl he was about to hit with his car 20 minutes ago.

He could now see her properly in the lights, Grayson was taken aback by her beauty. She was as beautiful as her voice was.

He realized she was singing one of his songs, he smiled, clearly enjoying the song.

As soon as the song ended, the audience clapped and cheered for her. Samara smiled and shyly thanked everyone.

She got off stage and saw a young man approaching her, her eyes widened as she realized he was the same man who was about to hit her with his car.

"You again!!" Samara yelled

Grayson chuckled and took off his hat and sunglasses.

To say that Samara was shocked would be an understatement, she was flabbergasted as she was face to face with none other than Grayson Dolan.

"Y-you a-are Grayson Dolan" she stuttered.

Samara felt stupid and embarrassed, she didn't even recognize the handsome artist in front of her.

Grayson smiled "Oh great, so I don't need to introduce myself."

Samara began to apologize "I'm so sorry Mr. Dolan, I was so rude to you before—" Grayson cut her off "Hey hey listen, what's your name?"

She nervously replied "Samara Blake"

"Nice to meet you Samara" Grayson said with a smile

Grayson became the center of attention in the bar, everyone closely watched the interaction between the now infamous artist and the bar singer.

Samara was caught off guard as Grayson suddenly grabbed her hand pulled her away from the crowd, outside of the bar.

Samara was too shocked to pull away from him. Eventually they both sat down on the sidewalk, Grayson looked at her and apologized "Sorry but I wanted to talk to you about something and for that I needed to get us away from the crowd"

Samara smiled and admired his sharp features, he was even more gorgeous in person.

"You sang one of my songs tonight and I have to admit, you sang my song even better than me" Grayson complimented.

"What are you saying Mr. Dolan, I was just—" She was again cut off by Grayson

"Let me finish Samara, and please call me Grayson."

Samara shyly nodded and let him continue

Grayson looked into her eyes, as if he was looking right into her soul "Today I realized my flaws. The mistakes I've made in my songs, I've never even felt any of my songs like this. You sang with so much emotion which I could never express in my singing."

Samara looked down suddenly finding her feet interesting, "You're joking" she said

"No, I don't joke when it comes to music" Grayson simply replied

She looked at him again, into his beautiful brown eyes which was filled with so much sincerity that Samara considered pinching herself to wake up from this beautiful dream.

"Grayson! Grayson! Where have you been man? I've been looking all over for you" They both turned around and found Noah, Grayson's manager jogging towards them.

"Grayson, I found your car crashed in the middle of the road man! I didn't even know whether you were dead or alive! You could've at least called!" Noah pulled Grayson and started walking away from Samara.

As they kept walking away Grayson turned around and yelled "Don't go anywhere Samara! I'll see you again."

The other bartenders walked out of the bar towards Samara and asked her to get inside. One of them spoke up "I don't know what fantasies he was telling you Samara but don't believe what he says. Look at him he's a drug addict, his career is over, you really think he's gonna make yours."

Samara replied, her eyes still on his back as he kept walking away with his manager "But he's such a big artist—" "Samara! Get inside now!" Max yelled.


"Grayson, Mr. Matthews has been looking all over for you. You still have four more concerts to do. If this continues, we'll have to return all the money back" Noah explained

"Then we'll give it back Noah" Grayson simply replied

Noah just looked at him as if he had lost his mind "What are you saying Gray—" "Listen, I need to get to LA tomorrow, this artist Samara—"

"Who?" Noah asked

Grayson pointed to where she was previously standing, but found no one there. Noah turned around to where he was pointing "Dude there's no one there."

Grayson was confused "But she was right here."

Noah rolled his eyes and pulled Grayson's arm, "Man you're so high right now, lets just get out of here."

his salvation | grayson dolan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora