Chapter 28

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Grayson was backstage with Samara. After the appointment at the hospital, they arrived at the venue for Samara' concert.

"Ma'am we're ready for you." Her manager said.

Samara smiled at Grayson, he smiled back, "All the best."

"Thank you" She said, giving him a quick peck on the lips before going on stage.

Grayson happily watched her on stage, few minutes later he felt his stomach rumbling and decided to go to the snack room to get something to eat.

He entered the room and saw few people. There was a reporter in the room who smirked when he saw Grayson.

Grayson already had a bad reputation, the reporter decided to provoke him even more to get a new story out of it.

Before the reporter could approach Grayson, a guy called him.

"Grayson Dolan." He greeted.

Grayson turned to look at the guy sitting at the mini bar. He recognized him since the guy had helped in organizing a few of his concerts as well. His name was Paul. Grayson had a bad history with him though, Paul would always provoke him causing physical fights between them.

Grayson greeted back, "Hey Paul."

"What's up buddy?" Paul asked politely

"Nothing much." Grayson replied.

"What are you doing here?" Paul asked curiously.

"My girlfriend is performing, so I'm here with her."

"Ooh okay." Paul said.

Paul observed Grayson walking towards the food area. Knowing Grayson's history with alcohol, Paul smirked and decided to push his buttons. He grabbed a can of beer and shouted, "Yo Gray!"

Grayson turned around and was taken aback when Paul suddenly threw the can of beer at him. Grayson missed the catch and it fell down.

"Oh sorry bro! Here do you want a beer?" Paul asked throwing him another can.

This time Grayson caught it and looked at the can. His temptations were rising, he longingly looked at the can, he wanted to open and just have one sip—" SAMARA! SAMARA! SAMARA!" His train of thoughts were interrupted by the loud noise on TV where the fans were cheering for his girlfriend.

He saw Samara's smiling face on TV and shook his head, he couldn't break her trust. He threw back the can at Paul, "No thanks. I'm good."

Paul nodded his head, "Alright sure."

Grayson walked to the food section but this time, he was interrupted by the reporter.

"Mr. Dolan, I am Axel Campbell, a reporter from Stardom Weekly. I would like to have an exclusive interview with you about your personal life."

Grayson chuckled, "I am sorry but I'm no longer famous enough for people to read about my life. They know it all."

Axel chuckled back, "Yes but not about your love life though. I mean your relationship with Ms. Samara Blake, only few people know about that."

Grayson frowned, "I don't want to talk about me and Samara."

Axel shook his head, "You don't understand. Fans want to know what Ms. Samara's life is like after moving in with you."

Grayson just wanted to get rid of this guy now, "I told you, this is my personal matter and I don't want to talk about it."

Axel pushed, "But your personal life is a public property as well."

Grayson politely smiled, "No its not."

"Mr. Dolan, you are not aware what people say about you two." Axel said

"That's nothing new." Grayson snorted.

Axel mocked, "Some people even say that Samara used to sing in bars and you supported her just to have some fun. You used her, you made her your concubine" .

Grayson snapped and grabbed his collar, "Who do you think you are?!" He yelled.

"You dare hit a reporter! I'll have you arrested Dolan! And I haven't said anything wrong! You live off her earnings!" Axel yelled trying to break free from his hold.

Grayson punched him but was pulled back by security. The security dragged Axel away.

Everything in the room looked at him. Grayson breathed heavily, trying to calm himself down as he looked at Samara on the TV.

He looked at the liquor bottles at the mini bar, his temptations rising again, he couldn't fight it this time. After everything that reporter had said to him, he needed something to distract him.

He approached the mini bar and grabbed the liquor bottle. Grayson closed his eyes, trying to fight the temptation, trying to keep the bottle down. Everything Samara had done for him these past weeks to help him get rid of his addiction, he couldn't throw away like that.

Just one sip, his inner voice said.

Grayson stood there in a constant battle with himself.

His inner voice won.

Samara had lost.

Grayson opened the bottle and drank like it was the last thing he would ever consume in his life.

He felt euphoria rush through him as the liquid satisfied his temptation.

Grayson put the bottle down and saw everyone looking at him. He grabbed the bottle and walked out of the venue.

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