Chapter 36

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Today was his funeral. Samara sat on the bed, with her legs folded as she stared into empty space. She didn't talk to anyone, she barely slept and barely ate. What little food she ate was only for the sake of her baby.

Samara didn't know whether to be mad at him for leaving them all alone or whether to sympathize for him that he gave up so easily.

The day she found out about Grayson, was the day her whole world crumbled to pieces. It took her a day to even accept the fact that he's gone forever.

She felt sorry for Ethan, she knew what he was going through. Ethan looked like he lost a piece of himself and Samara felt the same way.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she kept staring at the wall in front of her. Her tear fell onto the mattress of her bed.

Their bed.

Samara touched the mattress and looked around the room, as if she was suddenly conscious and aware of her surrounding.

This was her and Grayson's room. The room where they made so many beautiful memories. A wave of emotions washed over her and she cried her heart out.

She couldn't live in this house anymore, it was too painful now nor could she continue with her so-called career.

Not without Grayson.

Grayson showered her with fame and success. But she didn't want any of this.

She just wanted Grayson back.

Samara knew one thing for sure, she could never sing again.


There were few people that gathered at Grayson's funeral including Adam and Jason. Ethan was waiting for Samara to arrive but it had been over 15 minutes now and there was no sign of her.

He understood that she was angry and in grief. But he hoped that she would come because after all she was the most important person in his brother's life.

Ethan sighed, he knew she wouldn't come so he began his speech.

"Grayson was my identical twin brother. He was my best friend and at times my only friend. Before he died, I was lucky enough to spend some quality time with him. Of course if I had known what he was about to do, I would've never let him out of my sight." His voice cracked as he wiped his tears away.

"Its true that Grayson had a bad reputation for a lot of things but he also had the biggest heart." Ethan stopped as he spotted Samara at the very back of the graveyard listening to him.

Ethan looked straight at her before continuing, "He loved with every fibre of his being. He loved too much."

Samara sobbed as she listened to every word Ethan had said, it took her a lot of strength to even come here in the first place.

She turned around and walked away.

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