Chapter 29

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Grayson was arrested for driving under the influence. Adam informed this to Samara as soon as her concert was over and had gone to the police department to get his bail. He informed her to leave the venue only after she finishes wrapping up the show, he didn't want anyone finding out about this.

Samara didn't even know how to react. Her eyes brimmed with tears. She was filled with grief and disappointment. All her efforts were in vain. She couldn't help Grayson get over his addiction.


After wrapping up the show, Adam called Samara and told her that but officer didn't approve Grayson's bail. She knew it because of Grayson's bad reputation. So Samara had called the only person whom she knew could help Grayson, Ethan.

As soon she informed Ethan about Grayson's arrest, he dropped all his work and began arranging Grayson's bail papers through his connections. So it was going to take Ethan a while to arrive.

As Samara was about to leave the venue, Adam came and told her that the cops weren't letting anyone see Grayson nor were giving him a bail. So Adam decided to drop her home instead.

Samara went home, the house was pin drop silence. She saw how the mini bar was completely empty, not a trace of alcohol or drugs.

She completely broke down this time. She cried her heart out. Samara didn't know what else to do, she didn't know how to help Grayson.

She placed her hand on her belly, their baby didn't deserve this depressing life which she and Grayson seem to have, he didn't deserve to have such a broken family with issues. Their son deserved a happy normal family.

Samara knew that taking away Grayson liquor or drugs wasn't going to help him. That wasn't the root of the problem.

Grayson didn't consume alcohol and drugs just for fun, he did it because that's the only way he could numb his pain. It's the only way he could get rid of his problems for the time being.

So the root of the problem was all the fame and attention they were surrounded by, the media and public constantly taunting Grayson and their relationship.

Samara suddenly felt angry. She felt angry at the world. What gives them the right to talk about Grayson like that? What gives them the right to give their relationship such foul names?

They knew nothing about the love which she and Grayson had for each other.

They had true love.

And as far as Samara knew, the happiest and calm she had seen Grayson was at the countryside. Away from the media, away from the public, away from the world.

Maybe that's the solution.

To go far away from all this. She knew giving up her successful career was the last thing Grayson ever wanted but nothing was more important than Grayson and her baby. They were her top most priority. She had enough money to last them for years so money wasn't a problem.

They could start a new life away from everyone. Just the two of them with their son. If this is what makes Grayson happy, if this is what gives him peace, then she would happily sacrifice her career.

She just wanted to save him, save him before it was too late.

Samara had made up her mind. This was the last resort. She would finish up few recordings that were left since it was part of her contract with Auxity Records and leave with Grayson.

Samara wiped away her tears and looked at the clock. She didn't realize when time had passed so quickly. It was time for Ethan's arrival.

Samara drove to the airport to pick up Ethan.

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