59: Thank You

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Dan and I arrive at the hotel we were going to be staying at tonight. I still can't believe our parents paid for this. They said we have too much stress. That we need time to ourselves and relax. Dan checks us in and we grab our backpacks filled with the items we need for our stay. Once we arrive at our room on floor 7 which is the highest floor. Dan opens it and pushes the door open for me. I walk in, the hotel smell hitting me, I look around in amazement at the scene. The first part was like a little living room. It held a white desk. The desk had the room phone, a number to reach room service and a white and gold lamp with outlets. And in back of that desk on the other wall was a cream colored couch. On top of the gold coffee table in front of the couch was a bucket filled with fresh ice and champagne. Two champagne glasses next to it.

The walls were white. As I walked in further I noticed. The king-sized bed dressed in a white comforter with a gold vine pattern. It came with two gold pillows and two white pillows. The bed was laid upon a dark wooden platform with poles, that held a white canopy. Rose petals scattered all across the bed. In the corner a big white hot tub inside the wooden floor.

"This room is beautiful," I comment. "I know I'm impressed. Something tells me it was more our mums who did the purchasing of this place," Dan chuckles. Dan and I drop our things on the couch. Me being the child I am, I run over to the bed and hop on it, landing face first. This dress can't hold me back!

Oh wow, this bed is comfy. And the comforter feels so nice. I scoot off the bed and walk over to the hot tub not yet filled with water. I feel Dan's long arms wrap around me. He sits his head upon my shoulder, and I put my hand over his.

"Why don't you," He lifts his head and kisses my shoulder, "go get ready in the bathroom and I'll run us a bath?" Dan suggest. The thought of me being engulfed by hot water and relaxing with my husband warms my body. "Alright," I smile turning my head to kiss him softly. He then lets me go. "Could you undo the back of my dress please?" I ask. Without saying anything he helps me, and I grab my things before heading to the bathroom.

Getting ready to me means, makeup off and just a towel on. I slip out of my dress, feeling a bit of relief. The dress is beautiful, but it feels great to be out of it. I take off the rest of my clothes and take off the makeup on my face. I grab a towel and wrap it around my body. I grab one more for Dan before heading out. Upon opening the door I feel a bit self-conscious. I know he has seen my body multiple times but we haven't had sex since the kids were born. My tummy doesn't look as good. It's filled with stretch marks and holds extra skin. That part I've been reluctant about letting him see, so he barely has.

I shut the door and look at myself in the mirror.

"It'll be okay," I tell myself. The negatives continue to cloud my head. I clutch the towel around me. I shake my head and put my hand on the knob. "It'll be okay," I tell myself one more time. I twist the knob and pull the door open. The sweet smell of fragrance as filled the room. I see Dan already in the tub it filled with bubbles. "Hey, gorgeous!" He says smiling. Both glasses already filled with champagne. Once I get to the tub, I pause. My hand still on the towel hoping it won't fall.

"Are you okay?" Dan asked his face turning to one of concern. "I...um.." I couldn't explain. Dan would think I'm so silly for acting this way over something so small. "What's wrong Y/n?" He asks. I look down at the ground and say, "Well... it's hard to explain..."
"Try, I'll get what you're trying to tell me."
"My body..."
"What about it?"
"It's filled with stretch marks and..." I couldn't get the other words out. "Listen to me, your body is beautiful the way it is Love. Either way, the stripes don't change how I see you. I see you for you."

Dan loves me. It'll be okay. The hand that I've used to hold the towel with I used to pull the first to the towel. I let go of it letting it fall. "Absolutely beautiful." Dan comments. I feel my cheeks heat up and a small smile curl my lip. I walk into the tub the hot water immediately making me warm. I sit across from Dan, sinking into the hot water. How does this man love me so much? I grab a glass and take a sip of the champagne.

"Why are you all the way over there? Get over here," Dan says with a smile. I smile a full smile and go over to him turning around so my back was to his front. I ignore the feeling of his d¡ck on my back. I put my head on his shoulder and sigh. "What?" Dan asks wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Thank you," I tell him. "For?"
"Taking care of me and making me feel better the way you do," I tell him smiling. "Today reminded me of the first time I stayed. You thought I didn't like you cause I saw your body when in reality, I loved it."

I look up at Dan and say, "I love you so much, Daniel Howell."
Dan looks down at me catching my e/c eyes. "I love you so much too Y/n Howell."

We spent more time in the tub. Dan's hands roamed. He teased me. They were almost quite there but never where I needed them to be. I kept quiet though because if that wasn't his intentions then I wasn't gonna act upon them. We get clean, then we get out of the tub. While drying off we let the water run out.

I walked over to my backpack to grab my clothes out. I feel Dan's hand stop me though. He takes my hand and pulls me over to the bed. He walks me into it. He walks in front of me looking into my eyes. His eyes were dark. I could feel my breathing hitch. The back of my knees touch the bed and I sit down on it. Dan leans down and kisses me softly. He pushes me down on it slowly. Once my back was to the bed I wrap my legs around his torso.


So I can either 1. Finish this and add it to the next chapter or 2 not finish le smut at all cause, as usual, I know some of you guys don't like smut so this is up to you my lovelies! If I do write the smut i will tell you when it is finished for those that don't like it. Also, i was thinking maybe two more chapters after this then this book may be done.  I hope you enjoyed! Love you all!! 💕

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